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Random thoughts

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
I think the pot at the end of the rainbow is from a protection racket.

"Yous unicorns gots a nice shop. Nice view from on top of the rainbow. Yous wouldn't want no accident to happen. If someone should, say, magically remove the purple stripe from the rainbow, that would be not so good for your establishment. Or maybe a flock of fairies might defecate on your potential customers, thereby compelling them to go home and wash their hair instead of doing business with you. And that's what we're doing. Business. Or think of it as profit sharing, while there is still a profit to share. Capiche?"
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The gang of reverse leprechauns responsible for more cat #can't say that# whoopings (except maybe A.L.F.) than any green loving leprechaun mobster.
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The Avengers have that problem too. (Interesting fact: the uneven male:female ratio in popular culture is actually called Smurfette Syndrome.)


Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Today (Christmas!), I think my brother and I had more fun playing video games and Legos than we did 30 years ago. We played Expendibros, an indie game which I downloaded on Steam for free, and brought violent death and American flags to an army of generic enemies. It's a damn fun game (free this week as a marketing tool for "Bro Force"). My Sylvester Stallone character flexed his muscles to break a rope when captured by the boss! We also got lots of laughs when we accidentally blew each other to bits.


My daughter put together a Lego Friends cruise ship, and my brother and I were with her through all 104 steps. (More counting the separately-numbered steps for some major parts.) We taught her how boys play Legos. She didn't agree that dolphins halve people by leaping into their stomachs, or that the token male character was as unsavory as my brother and I made him out to be. We had fun. I didn't feel like a dad playing with his daughter, which is usually the case. We were playing together, and that was it. In the end, the Logo people cruised among the dolphins without any people or dolphins being killed or harmed in any way. I'm still not sure that a slide should lead to the ocean, but my imagination eventually agreed that there isn't necessarily a part of the boat that chops you to bits. So I put away the red circle Legos that represented blood bubbles and played Lego Friends as the designers intended.



Wow, it's been a full day.

I got sinfully expensive Copic illustration markers and other art supplies, Buffalo Bills merchandise now that they're officially shut out of the playoffs, and a ton of socks from my little brother.

I also nearly ruined a chocolate mousse pie, played Settlers of Catan for the first time with my cousins, and talked with them about Doctor Who, zombies, which type of horrror (gory, supernatural, or psychological) we found most disturbing, silver nitrate poisoning (if you don't die first, all your organs turn blue permanenty--skin, eyes, and all!), photography during the Victorian era, guns, fever-induced hallucinations, lava lamps, the Hobbit movies, scarves, and pretty much anything else that crossed our minds. We also considered breaking out the Xbox and playing Halo and Call of Duty, but by that time we were all extremely tired.

My little brother woke up at 3:00 AM this morning and watched cartoons until the rest of us got up around 7:30. He was miserable and super-sensitive and called one of my presents to him "stupid". He took a nap at our extended family Christmas party this afternoon while everyone else opened presents.

Overall, it was a great Christmas.
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Was at my cousins yesterday,
They started putting together a lego Star wars ATAT walker.
Alot of parts.


I just found out I have synesthesia, specifically chromesthesia and the number form aspect.

My parents always wondered why I said things like "electric guitar looks like a blue lightning bolt" and "all the lower numbers are horizontal, but at ten they start going up like they're on an escalator". I always wondered, too, and I used to ask myself why my view of the world was so different from everybody else's. Now I have a name to put on it.

Feels surreal.
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I've been watching Miyazaki movies with my eldest son (9 yo) and loving it. Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away. Talk about films that take you up on the wind of inspiration. I love being able to share this with him and that he appreciates the slower pace and reflective story lines, the images of nature, it gives me hope for a generation raised on frenetic media. Joe Hisaishi's soundtracks are breathtaking!

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Today, my 5-year-old Sabina must have been jealous because she didn't have preschool today, but my 7-year-old and I are done with school vacation. So she played school with me while her big sister Amelia did homework.

Sabina started her class by having me sit at my desk. She then said, "Write 9-1-1 in your notebooks today, class, because we're going to talk about fire hydrant stuff." When she told her students how smoke tells you there's a fire, I raised my hand to ask a question. She had a long, detailed answer, then she told me I asked a very good question. Very good. She rewarded me with a high five.

After she was done explaining how firemen slide down a pole "like we do in the playground," she introduced the class pet, Hannah. Her 2-year-old sister barked, and pawed at Sabina like real dogs do. Like a good teacher, she didn't panic in front of her students. (And rightly so. That's a sign of weakness!) She kept her composure and gave Hannah a doggie treat. She then let me give Hannah a doggie treat. I had to stand in front of the classroom to do that.

Hannah made short work of her doggie treat, put on a bicycle helmet and declared, "I'm going to join the PAW Patrol." (For those who don't know, the PAW Patrol is a team of dogs that wear helmets.) She hopped onto her rocking horse and rode off to a rescue at an undisclosed location.

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
I'm a little more confused than I was a few minutes ago, because I just received a Christmas card from friends in Japan. This was the hand-written message:

Blessed are you who create natural energy.
Woe to you who cling to nuclear energy.
Blessed are you who rely on anti-violent democracy.
Woe to you who monopolize power with weapons.

Er… Merry Christmas?