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Self-Publishing support group?


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
What would be needed, how might it proceed? Here's a possible approach, offered more with hope for discussion than with intent to execute. ;-)

Start with a sub-forum. Its purpose would be to map out a plan of action and eventually get actual people to do actual things. Or, at worst, to make it plain to all that there's just not enough oomph behind it to go anywhere. As a corollary, advertise that sub-forum on other fantasy-related sites so others interested could join.

Among the things that would need to be planned and then created:
web site (where we can collect resources)
a formal organization (with cool acronym!)
social media presence
events (physical or virtual)
some measurable victories, including at the very least some publications by authors
eventually, maybe, mechanism for membership fees
our own forums
and in general, all the stuff one can find at the SFWA and RWA web sites

So yeah, it's pretty huge. But it can be tackled incrementally, and one ought never underestimate the power of the crowd.

If you want my advice, I think you're thinking over your head by more than a little with this.

Here's what my advice would be:

- Start with a cool name, a point-person, and a group of 3-4 people willing to work on it.

- Put together a list of people on Mythic Scribes who have self-published works available, maybe with a thread asking people to post information about their works, and the OP kept updated with a list.

- Figure out how much information self-published people need and the best way to organize it. Put together a few starting pieces. Ask Black Dragon if he would host it, and if he would offer you a forum to create the material.

- Put together a standing page on Mythic Scribes listing everyone's self-published work, alongside the material you've put together.

- Set up a twitter / social media accounts and get your volunteers to tweet funny things while promoting that page.


LOL!! All I was suggesting was a forum on here where Indie publishers (and folks interested in such) could gather and share info. You all are looking at a major undertaking--and more power to you if you pull it off, but I'd still just love a forum for Indie projects to help and support each other.


toujours gai, archie
I certainly was not looking to go there now, or even in the near future. But it helps to have an idea where one might go. It was just a map.

For the near term, Devor's suggestions are sensible, though there is a weakness. Unless there is some sort of serious commitment, this sort of project tends to fade once the founders wander off. There has to be enough "there" there to attract new recruits and ultimately new godparents.

That said, first step, thousand miles, and all that. So I reckon we wait for the Forum Gods to establish a sub-forum. Perhaps we might take a poll first? If there are really only eight people looking to self-publish, then it's probably a no-go. OTOH, if it's eighty people, then it's full steam, yes?


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
I just want o reiterate again, most of what's in the Publishing Forums and almost everything in Marketing is about Self-Publishing. As Black Dragon stated in the suggestion thread, he's not going to create a forum if the subject matter is already being covered.


I'd be willing to consolidate resources found on Mythic Scribes and at least *try* to keep it updated, but (and this is a BIG BUT) I'm actually having a baby in a few weeks so I'll probably be taking a vacation from serious commitments for the foreseeable future. On the other hand I will probably be up at all hours of the night and needing a project to chip away at, so I may get more done than I think I will. I think we should shoot for 2 sticky threads: one for core resources most helpful for self-publishers (but could also be useful for traditional folks) that would be in the publishing forum and one listing self-published authors and their works/websites who are on MS who want to be known, and if they're willing to answer questions about their personal experiences.

We could try the "build it and they will come" approach, that way even if it doesn't get to sticky status it's still on this site somewhere and could be found with a search.

Sorry would have commented earlier but only just saw this thread. I have twenty self pubbed works out and am happy to answer questions in general. As for where to look for help heres a few links.

Writers' Cafe This is the kindle boards writers cafe. It's mostly got advice about the publishing side of things, but there's also a lot of posts about covers.

SFF Chronicles - science fiction & fantasy community forums The Chronicles is a good site for talking about the writing side of well writing, but isn't hugely into self pubbing. It's not anti it either.

Creative Writing Forums - Writing Help, Writing Workshops, & Writing Community Writing forums used to be my main hangout when it came to writing etc, but when they updated their site my browser became unable to handle it, so I haven't been there for a year or so.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/239...4542066&ref=notif&notif_t=group_comment_reply And there's also this facebook group which is good for asking questions sometimes.

Hope that helps.

Cheers, Greg.


FYI, I started the massive list of resources. I'm hoping it'll fit into one post, but probably not! I'd also like to include a list of self-published scribes (w/ options to add their real name, website, and whether they'd be willing to be contacted), but I'm not sure of the best way to go about that... suggestions?

If anyone thinks of anything that should be included, or other ideas, PM me or post in this thread. Thanks!

(P.S. I'm anticipating this will take me a few months, minimum...)