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The one and only


Just popped in to say hey and introduce myself.

I'm a 25 year old Belgian male with a passion for fantasy. During my younger years I spent a lot of time being DM in our local D&D group and trying to write some fantasy stories. Sadly I have to admit that I have an affliction called ' to much fantasy' (I'm sure I'm not the only one here) which has made sure that although i have started multiple stories, I have finished non...

Because of that, I took a break from writing during college but recently I felt an itch to give it another go. At the moment I am mostly occupied with world building because it's a way for me to put all my creativity on paper without being uncumbered by the confines of a story.

I really enjoy the site and love how people here all have the same mindset and passion for fantasy and writing. So I'm very much looking forward to participate in the discussions!



Good to have you here and welcome. Step inside to this world of fantasy and gather around the fells writers which meet and greet here!


New Member
Hi, Elfangle! I'm new here, too, still finding my way around. I hope you're enjoying your worldbuilding!