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Which team are you either and why?

Usually, a story is written in simple past. But why? I mean simple present is a good way to limit the view. And it let the character’s thought be more realistic. Or do you think: “I was cool.” (If no event happen that you become a loser.) No. I believe you think: “I am cool”.
Because of this, I use the simple present. However, I wanna know if you are #Team_simple_past or #Team_simple_present. And why?

K.S. Crooks

I write in present tense as sometimes when I read past tense I feel like I'm playing catch-up with the story since everything has already happened. Plus if I need to refer to something that did happen in the past for my characters I dislike having to write past-past tense.


toujours gai, archie
Past tense, because everything that happens is, the instant it is reported, in the past. You can experience the present, but you cannot describe it.

Yeah, I know. Overly pedantic. But the forum won't let me make one-word posts. Past.

Insolent Lad

Occasionally drop in some present for internal monologue/dialogue/stream of consciousness. Less so in something that is supposed to be fast-paced adventure, as it can confuse the reader.