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Amazon Author Rank

Hi Everyone!

So the publishing world just got its head turned upside down--or at least our neck of the woods did.

Amazon introduced a new feature called "Author Rank" where they basically amalgamate all of your works overall to define a list of the best selling authors period.

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.

What do you think of Author Rank?
How will you be utilizing Author Rank?


Myth Weaver
That's going to take a while to digest.

It's great if you're selling well. Not so great if you're just releasing your first book.
I guess I missed it. Where is the feature/listed data located on Amazon?

Hmm. So I am not sure how you can check other authors' ranks (although I have already read a few articles talking about the most popular authors so I am assuming that is available), but for your own rank, you should be able to check through Author Central. Log on to your Author page and click the links at the top ("Sales Info" and "Rank").
I've been really enjoying the new Author's Rank feature. I'm pretty solidly in "the middle" of the Action Adventure ranking and am sometimes on sometimes off the fantasy list (82 - 100). I think it's a brilliant idea.
I've been really enjoying the new Author's Rank feature. I'm pretty solidly in "the middle" of the Action Adventure ranking and am sometimes on sometimes off the fantasy list (82 - 100). I think it's a brilliant idea.

Congratulations on your continued success! I'm way up in the thousands, but I am releasing some new stories soon and just getting started. I enjoy the feature, and I can't really see how it could be a drawback to anyone. On the other hand, if you do manage to top a list or even score relatively high, then that is a great blurb to share with others.
From what I've seen, it's in your Amazon Author Central account...if I'm not mistaken? There's a link a the top--fifth in the little blue bar at the top. I had a great spike on the 13th (uh, really? I missed it!) where I jumped over 80k, but I'm back down again. Bummer, but not surprising. I'm just getting my feet wet (but I had an "author spotlight" on the 13th so, I guess that did it.) :)
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Hmm. My author rank seems to be much higher with three different eBooks than it was with just one, even though my two new eBooks are only $0.99 and I've only sold a handful of copies.

I remember reading somewhere that multiple titles was a strong component of the algorithm in determining author rank but I am unsure of exactly the effect. I also am not sure if it matters that all three titles are in different categories or not. I have one each of horror/thriller, fantasy, and mathematics. Interestingly, they don't have an author rank for the math category, but I can only assume it factors into my overall author rank.

Thought I'd share my "findings". Anyone have experiences with the algorithm they'd like to share or hypotheses?


Myth Weaver
Hmm. My author rank seems to be much higher with three different eBooks than it was with just one, even though my two new eBooks are only $0.99 and I've only sold a handful of copies.

I remember reading somewhere that multiple titles was a strong component of the algorithm in determining author rank but I am unsure of exactly the effect. I also am not sure if it matters that all three titles are in different categories or not. I have one each of horror/thriller, fantasy, and mathematics. Interestingly, they don't have an author rank for the math category, but I can only assume it factors into my overall author rank.

Thought I'd share my "findings". Anyone have experiences with the algorithm they'd like to share or hypotheses?


Thanks for sharing this. It's useful to have first hand accounts of how it works.
To terrified to check mine:)

No need to be terrified. It's just a number. When you get into your specific categories it's not so horrifying either. On the other hand, the overall author rank is usually pretty bad (at least if you are struggling).

In other news, I contacted Amazon to inquire why my nonfiction entries were not showing up and they said the program is still in beta and they passed my feedback on to the development team. Apparently they just don't support nonfiction yet--unless someone else has a differing experience?
Hmm. My author rank seems to be much higher with three different eBooks than it was with just one, even though my two new eBooks are only $0.99 and I've only sold a handful of copies.

I remember reading somewhere that multiple titles was a strong component of the algorithm in determining author rank but I am unsure of exactly the effect. I also am not sure if it matters that all three titles are in different categories or not. I have one each of horror/thriller, fantasy, and mathematics. Interestingly, they don't have an author rank for the math category, but I can only assume it factors into my overall author rank.

Thought I'd share my "findings". Anyone have experiences with the algorithm they'd like to share or hypotheses?

That is very interesting data. Thanks for sharing. I'm really enjoying the new feature, and am curious at learning whatever I an about the algorithm.

I haven't had any fiction sales in the last week but my author rank continues to climb. I take this as definitive evidence that even though I can't see my category ranks in nonfiction that nonfiction sales are being factored into author rank.

Side Note: I managed to break into the Amazon Bestseller List in my nonfiction category of choice and I have noticed that although this isn't self-perpetuating, it definitely helps. I also used strong SEO tactics with my nonfiction books that I believe are generating sales as well. I am getting about 1/2 sale a day (or 1 sale every two days) that I can't trace to any other source. I was ranked between 70 and 90 on the Bestseller List and this did not generate a ton of sales, but I will report back when I break into the top 50 or if I have any other statistics.


Myth Weaver

I haven't had any fiction sales in the last week but my author rank continues to climb. I take this as definitive evidence that even though I can't see my category ranks in nonfiction that nonfiction sales are being factored into author rank.

Side Note: I managed to break into the Amazon Bestseller List in my nonfiction category of choice and I have noticed that although this isn't self-perpetuating, it definitely helps. I also used strong SEO tactics with my nonfiction books that I believe are generating sales as well. I am getting about 1/2 sale a day (or 1 sale every two days) that I can't trace to any other source. I was ranked between 70 and 90 on the Bestseller List and this did not generate a ton of sales, but I will report back when I break into the top 50 or if I have any other statistics.


What SEO tactics did you use? Did you read How to Make a Killing on Kindle?


Hey Brian,

I read Making a Killing a while back and re-skimmed it when you had recommended it to me the other month. I made my title descriptive and to the point "Overcoming Math Anxiety and How to Be Successful in Mathematics" with subtitles bordering a little on the ridiculous (but perfectly acceptable for nonfiction) and made sure in the description that I emphasized everything appropriately with the titles of upcoming sections thrown in as well.

If you Amazon "Overcoming Math Anxiety" mine is the third that shows up, but the only Kindle option and 1/10 the price of the others, whereas if you Amazon "Math Anxiety" mine is the fourth that shows up in All Departments, but first in Kindle and again 1/10 the price of closest competitors. I believe I am definitely getting some search engine buys.

It also bears noting that until I had my free promotion I was steadily going down, but since the free promotion (getting up to #1 in Mathematics) I've been getting some pretty regular sales. I believe the free promotion pushed me up in the search results so this has assisted in the SEO sales.


Myth Weaver
Good deal. Congrats on your sales.

I'm assuming, then, that you used SEO terms in your description and that you attribute those techniques to your high ranking in the results?

If so, it's good to know that it seems to work!
Yes, although I know that Amazon factors in "popularity" (which remember is distinct from bestsellers) as well.

I believe the free promotion significantly helped there (with popularity rankings). But it's nice that people searching for those things can find me relatively easily, and being the cheapest on the list of results is a good one-up as well.
Keep in mind that just because you don't make sales (or even if you do make sales) that your author rank may change because it is taking into account relative to other authors. So if someone else goes down - you can go up even if you didn't make any sales recently. All that is really required is that you made sales more recently than "the other guy"