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Recent content by Fargoer

  1. F

    Any good historical fiction set in Viking Age

    Actually, Saxon stories are exactly Viking Age stuff and I've read them already (or at least part of them as I mentioned in the first post). OGone and Steerpike your suggestions look interesting, I'll definitely check them out after my pile of next-to-be-read books are finished, thanks. Petteri
  2. F

    Any good historical fiction set in Viking Age

    Thanks, I'll look into that, sounds both interesting and appropriate. Petteri
  3. F

    Any good historical fiction set in Viking Age

    Greetings ! I am in the process of writing my second novel that is set in mythic Viking Age. The events of the first book were located in the area familiar to me (Finland, and a bit of Scandinavia) but the second and the third take me through the europe and perhaps even further. I am not...
  4. F

    Where to find in-depth knowledge about the Vikings and medieval Sweden?

    One more vote to the Viking Answer Lady, immensely helpful and detailed in many subject matters. I've found historical fiction to be very helpful as well. For example Frans G. Bengtsson's "The Long Ships". I haven't read the English translation but it tells a tale of a Viking warrior from the...
  5. F

    Historical research- Norse mythology and Tolkien

    I've just published a novel that takes place during the Viking Age (with fantasy elements involved). My base is in the Finnish mythologies (Finno-Ugric to be precise) as it is my own cultural heritage. Kalevala is a huge inspiration. Parts of the novel involve Vikings and their myths as well...
  6. F

    The Fargoer

    Thanks SpoonyBardon :)
  7. F

    The Fargoer

    Hi Scribes, A long-awaited day is now at hand. After almost four years in the making, Fargoer is set for international release next Sunday, March 3rd. First of all, we'd like invite all the Facebook and Goodreads users of Mythic Scribes to the release event: 'Fargoer - the novel' release event...
  8. F

    Cover art of Fargoer - what do you think?

    The maze in bloodsilver is just as it is supposed to be. Lots of such mazes have been found in Finland and some of them have been built in ancient times. In Finnish they were called "Jatulintarha" and the form is usually just like it is in the picture. You must think yourself going in from the...
  9. F

    Cover art of Fargoer - what do you think?

    Thanks for the feedback. Especially the things considering the thumbnail and End of Innocence's image, we might have to do something about those. Also gonna experiment with the coloring in Autumn Flames and see what we come up with. The cover art of Bloodsilver (Part V) was just released, can be...
  10. F

    The Fargoer

    Hello everyone, I'd like to introduce my book project Fargoer to the community. I started the project in 2009, so it's already been over 3 years... time flies :) The genre is Historical Fantasy, with strong influence from Kalevala (the Finnish national epic) as well as Robert E. Howard. The...
  11. F

    Fargoer's introduction

    Nice one... Here's something along the same lines:
  12. F

    Fargoer's introduction

    Thaks for the warm welcome Sheilawisz. Don't get me wrong, in the future of the Fargoer, I wish that the whole Viking Age world is my playground, but I am not going to plot an "ancient evil that is going to destroy mankind" -type of stuff, rather tell the stories of strong individuals in...
  13. F

    Fargoer's introduction

    Greetings ! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Petteri Hannila and I am a software designer by day and dreamer/dad/writer in the evenings. As a writer I am all for the dreams and visions of future and mythic pasts. As a lover of Finnish national epic (Kalevala) and our harsh, but...
  14. F

    Diablo III

    Have to say I didn't feel the same kind of magic that I did when playing D2. Even so, I think they did a great job and if you look past the initial release problems and balance issues, it's a game that's gonna be played for a _long_ time.
  15. F

    Favorite Game of Thrones Characters

    Tyrion and Robb Stark are my favorites, Catelyn Stark not far behind though.