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-I go by Fiarene online, which is a hybrid of the name of one of my older characters and my middle name.
-I'm twenty years old, I live in Australia, and I've been writing as long as I can remember.
-I learnt to read quite early and have been in love with books ever since.
-I wrote and illustrated my first book when I was nine, but I've started many and finished few books since then.
-I joined here in the hopes that it would give me some sort of motivation and inspiration to be more consistent with my work!

I like meeting new people and chatting about whatever, so please feel free to message me! ;P


Writing (duh), drawing, beading, gemstones, Asian Ball-jointed Dolls
Canberra, Australia
Childcare Assistant


“The urge to write often comes from the wish to rearrange reality.†-J.K. Rowling
“A fire is burning in Bird Spirit Land. My bones smoulder. I must journey there.†- Robert Holdstock​




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