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  • So, dude, what are the chances you can 'splain me the Portfolio paradigm?
    Unfortunately, I'm not the best person to explain them as I don't use the Portfolio function. I see them as similar to blogs, though I think the idea is to show off works (like an artist's portfolio). There is built-in functionality to link a Portfolio entry to the forums, or to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
    If you post a question in the forums, you'll probably get more satisfying answers from people who use them more often. Nice to see you here, btw. Glad you're back and active in forums these days :)
    Hi steerpike, New member looking to get involved in the Dragons egg actIII before the battle commences.. :)
    I have Pmed ou over my stats race and class, i didnt want to send you another message as i realize how busy you must be.. So i though i would leave you a VM.
    Should i write myself into the chat such as, "suddenly an old wizard appears" Or an elderly man comes running up, the goblins razor sharo arrows whistling past his ears as he runs behind cover"

    or would you like to write me in in some way, Your the Gm so i thought it would be clear respect to ask you first :)
    I noted a few difference. Hard to put my thumb on exactly what they were. I felt that the prose was more archaic. I think it stems from the dialogue itself. As to the "lean" writing style, yes, he seems to be less focused on description and more on the exchange between characters.
    Steer, I just started reading Forge of Darkness and I came across the scene that contains your quote. I put of reading Steven Erikson for the exact feeling I had after completing that scene. A mix of wonder, apprehension and envy. The guy is a genius and he seems to break all the rules that are often espoused here.
    Just found out about this band, thought you might like them

    It wont let me post the link so,

    Kråke - And A Colder Breed
    Congrats on making Dark Lord!:D
    (I'm not entirely sure if a smiley face is appropriate with regards to your new title, but oh well...)
    Apparently I can't send more than 6 PM's per hour..so have a great evening! talk to you soon!
    Never played Resident Evil? There's many who haven't. Oh well...perhaps you can Google them...give your opinion on who's hotter?
    Let's just wait until you have something you're comfortable with. In the interim, I'll start developing Steerpike. But before I do, any preference on race, alignment, etc?
    You got it. Where can I find this short story? I'd like your input as this character will be a major supporting cast member.
    I forgot to thank you for letting me use your name for a character (even though it's from another writer). I really appreciate it. If you were a character in another writer's stories, what would you prefer to be? By that I mean (to use the ol' D&D lingo) race, class, alignment, etc.?
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