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Recent content by Jayne Roberts

  1. Jayne Roberts

    New Sequel to Dragon Fantasy Series Coming Soon! Plus Giveaway!

    Hello all! I wanted to tell you about this fantasy series I got involved with a couple of years ago, called Augee: Guardian of Hohala. If you love dragons, fantasy, and were a fan of Christopher Paolini's Eragon series, this is the perfect next read for you. The reason I'm bringing it up now is...
  2. Augee3DBookBackground


    The 3D Cover of Paul Stempul and Cormac Lambe's fantasy series, book one.
  3. Jayne Roberts


    Hi Alana! Nice to meet you. I also love reading (and writing) stories with ethical grey areas. The idea of what choices a human will make versus what they think they would do has always fascinated me.
  4. Jayne Roberts

    Hi there everyone!

    Hi Rosemary! What kind of folklore are you interested in?
  5. Jayne Roberts

    Blog Post: The Short and Scrappy Guide to Novel Writing

    Thanks for the advice Malik! I've thought about learning to sword fight. I'm currently learning how to use a crossbow which is surprisingly difficult to load.
  6. Jayne Roberts

    Giving Myself Nightmares for Writing Material

    I'm assuming you clicked on this thread because of my ridiculous title. A couple of years ago, I realized that a heavy dose of alcohol and sugar just before I went to sleep would result in some of the most terrifying, realistic, and fantastical nightmares I've ever had. When I'm running low on...
  7. Jayne Roberts

    Hello from a Fantasy Lover and Writer!

    Hello! My name is Jayne Roberts. I'm so happy to discover this forum full of like-minded fantasy fanatics. I look forward to discussing my favorite books with you all. I love reading fantasy and am currently enraptured with Linden A. Lewis' "The First Sister." I have a Master's degree in...