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Recent content by JustSpiffy

  1. JustSpiffy

    Naming a Fantasy World

    Oh god! Well, back to the drawing board... :l
  2. JustSpiffy

    What are your religious views?

    Yeah, I've heard a few of those claims, not only from Christians but from Muslims too. All of them are clearly just mental gymnastics by believers. Having faith in something usually means you start with the asumption, "My beliefs are true", so anything that goes against it must be automatically...
  3. JustSpiffy

    What are your religious views?

    Technically speaking you'd fall under the catorgory of weak atheist. Meaning you don't hold a belief either way. I'm in the same catorgory but I have strong opinions about religion.
  4. JustSpiffy

    What are your religious views?

    It's a good thing for me, considering that I don't believe in Christianity. It may be a bad thing for people who do. I didn't exactly encourage her though, my Mum and me were just having a conversation about religion, politics and a number of other things, like we usually do, and she just joined...
  5. JustSpiffy

    What are your religious views?

    I actually converted her into an agnostic by the time she left; she was one of those cultural Christians, Christian just because everyone around her was, and she had never questioned it. I think she was a little surprised that I wasn't some immoral, evil person who ate babies for breakfast too. xD
  6. JustSpiffy

    How to Fool an Empath?

    Maybe the person is exceptionally good at making up people... Maybe he's invented so many fake people and played them, for various reasons throughout his life, that he now has difficulty even remembering who he really is. I've heard of actors who get so much into the character they're...
  7. JustSpiffy

    What are your religious views?

    I'm an atheist, and if you're an agnostic, you're an atheist too. Agnosticism falls under the category of non-belief, which is also known as atheism. Also, most people misconstrue agnostic to mean a person who says they don't know, but what it actually means to be an agnostic is to say that it's...
  8. JustSpiffy

    My New Basement - To Make You All Mega Jealous

    Fffffffffffffffff... http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/1/10354/1724315-fuuuuuuck_super.jpg
  9. JustSpiffy

    Adding in some action to the first chapter...

    It might be good to allude to something beneath the surface of the story, give the reader something to look forward too. I think every chapter in a story should have that. Maybe your main character is planning to go on a trip? Maybe there's been whisperings about the town about some underground...
  10. JustSpiffy

    What Inspires You?

    My inspiration can come from the most unexpected sources. Sometimes a single line in a song or a movie, sometimes even looking up into the trees on a windy day, sometimes a person I meet, or a dream I had. It comes from everywhere. Also, I really love Cicada's comment. Although I think it's...
  11. JustSpiffy

    Do you judge a book by its cover?

    The cover definitely influences whether or not I pick a book up. But I always read the back of the book, then the first page, being careful to make sure no one sees me doing it! Usually when I find a book I like, I read everything else ever written by that author (especially if they're series)...
  12. JustSpiffy

    How old are you?

    I'm a baby-faced 23 year old! I'll be 24 late this month. :)
  13. JustSpiffy

    How many forum members does it take to change a light bulb?

    And sometimes even if it doesn't!
  14. JustSpiffy

    Naming a Fantasy World

    My world shall be called Tit! No, but seriously, for me the name of the world is just as important as the name of the characters. I've been struggling with this one for a while. I really like middle earth, or mid-kernia (from the magician's apprentice), but of course those are taken! And even...
  15. JustSpiffy

    New Worldbuilder Needs Guild

    Welcome to the forum! I'd love to help with your world building, ask away. I'm developing my own at the moment. If you're in the early stages I suggest you watch allot of film, read allot of books, and maybe even brush up on ancient texts. Search for inspiration anywhere you can find it. For...