My stories are available on Amazon. I write a bit of everything, but at the moment I have a Historical Young Adult Short (The Secrets I Carry), and a Crime/ Thriller Short (Who Killed Granny?) which is available for pre-order. Up next is a Hispanic New Adult Sci-Fi and after that either some Fantasy or maybe another mystery. We'll see! I run the blog "EasyPeasyFiction" which you should give a browse when you get a free moment.
Why "TheCatholicCrow"?
I'm Catholic. It's no secret and I really don't care who knows. Also, I adore vigilante film which naturally includes "The Crow" (graphic novels and comic spin-offs as well). If you're not familiar with the series ... it blends vigilantism with a spin on Siberian Shamanism. The Shaman astro-projects as a bird which can fly around and observe the world on his behalf. I find O'Barr's use of pre-existing cultural beliefs and practices to be wonderfully inspiring and something about it has stuck with me ever since (IDK it probably helps that 90% of the film's soundtrack was music I already adored.)