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Recent content by TheRealKyleTM

  1. T

    Performance Issues - Does everybody actually have them?

    See, I have a neurodivergent enjoyment of writing. I enjoy writing and worldbuilding in particular but I tend to have energy for things in waves, and I have no idea when that wave of interest or energy will come back. I am trying to find a way to stay motivated through this but tis hard
  2. T

    Performance Issues - Does everybody actually have them?

    I hadn't thought about it in this way before. I may have to try this going forward!
  3. T

    Performance Issues - Does everybody actually have them?

    I really enjoyed reading this! I will be taking all fo these suggestions into consideration! My current method is to pants it as far as possible but I am a bit scatterbrained
  4. T

    Weird-ish Dream

    Well… I’ll turn this dream into some kind of horror short story soon and we’ll see how it turns out
  5. T

    Performance Issues - Does everybody actually have them?

    I will be working on some of this today. Got a story brewing that hopefully I could at least get a rough draft finished soon ish
  6. T

    Performance Issues - Does everybody actually have them?

    Thank you! This helps quite a bit, hopefully I will have some actual work as an update going forward XD
  7. T

    Performance Issues - Does everybody actually have them?

    Okay thank you! So, do you typically just write the main points in order and then fuss the connections after finishing the majority of the waypoints?
  8. T

    Weird-ish Dream

    I had a weird-ish dream a while back. I woke up in my bed, I was in my apartment and everything seemed very normal. I heard a creaking and rustling in the hallway outside my front door. This was fairly normal, but I get on edge anyways because I am military police and I live on the rough side...
  9. T

    Performance Issues - Does everybody actually have them?

    I have what appears to me to be a weird issue. I can see the high level story in my mind. I know what I want to happen for the big story beats and I know where the characters need to get but I have problems creating the bridge between those events? Maybe my solution is to write the scenes...
  10. T

    Traditional publishing: Writing queries and where to send them to

    This is amazing thank you! I want to trditionally publish something but I think I need to figure out how to finish writing a manuscript before I look too far into this rabbit hole of research XD
  11. T

    A return of the… not-so-prodigal son

    Thank you! I used to be on here back in 2014 ish, but my old username has escaped me at the time. I am sure it was quite cringe worthy XD
  12. T

    Looking for opinions about a sociopolitical setup for a cyberpunk setting

    I LOVE this idea! I think it’s super rich and can be used in many levels. Another consideration is you can maybe create a power structure out of the problem. Maybe People have the societal and governmental power but the AI is what determines distribution of food and water to be most...
  13. T

    A return of the… not-so-prodigal son

    So I totally understand this. I have a compulsive thing where I have to share books I read because I love the story so much. And instead of annoying my family and friends I am hopefully going to push that into my writing on this blog! It is up although still under construction at...
  14. T

    A return of the… not-so-prodigal son

    Thank you! I hope to be increasing word counts but mainly I’m trying to get a weekly blog about what I’m reading going. If I can keep that up and get a consistent amount of readers interested I will pursue more writing each week.
  15. T

    A return of the… not-so-prodigal son

    Heyo! I am Kyle. I was on here a few years back, and have missed this sorely. I kind of write and kind of do fifty million other things, but I want to get more serious about my writing and blogging and online activities I partake in. I love questions and I love discussion so if you ever want to...