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I don't know where to ask this



as a (bad) writer, I have a question because I am stuck in the chapter 7 of my novel. I'd like to expose the reason I can't continue, but I don't know where is the best subforum to do so. Could you indicate it? Thanks

In sum, my problem is: In that chapter, a spy must take of a jewell from an army general, but I don't know how to develop my idea. I'd like to explain character data of the spy, the general, and the environmental circumstances and then, ask for help.
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Random questions, if you answer them, I'm sure you'll have a rough framework to work from.

1. Why does spy want to take the jewel?

2. How is the jewel guarded?

3. If it is on the person of the General, how will he/she defend it? How will the spy take it then? In a fight, or while General sleeps/bathes/fornicates?

4. What obstacles must the spy go through to reach the jewel (enemy camp, sensors, dogs, tent, doors, guards, traps, scaling a cliff, entering a cave)

5. Will there be dialogue?

6. How will the spy do it? Is there a plan, is there an inside informant, or will he/she just wing it?

7. Why does the general have the jewel, how important is it in setting/storyline?


Thanks a lot Lag, you are very kind.

When a mod/admin tell me where to creathe the thread about my doubt, I’ll expose all important data in the new thread I’ll open