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  1. Eduardo Ficaria

    Tell me what you think about this cyberpunkish setting

    After a long hiatus and some good rethinking, I think I finally got the basic setting I needed for writing epic cyberpunk/scifi stories with a dash of dark fantasy vibe. Find it in narrated form after this introduction and let me know what you think of it with your comments! Myrias aberrant It...
  2. Eduardo Ficaria

    What do you think about this world building?

    I've written a sort of narrated summary of my setting, in which I've tried to condense the essential major themes, plots and players present in it. The idea is to use this as my "guiding star", beyond all the research I've already done, to which I can always come back to when I get "lost" while...
  3. Eduardo Ficaria

    Looking for opinions about a sociopolitical setup for a cyberpunk setting

    For too long I've been stuck trying to figure out a proper sociopolitical structure that, in a cyberpunk setting, would allow me to have both AIs and ultrarich or very privileged people hold some decent degree of power. Today, it dawned on me a possible setup that could solve me that issue and I...
  4. Orc Knight

    Saints of the Streets

    This is a recent concept for me, though it comes on the tail of me re-writing one of my first and earliest stories that I thought might have some potential. So, obviously the world setting is Earth many years in the future and heavy on cybertech and biotech and all sorts of other things (clones...
  5. Eduardo Ficaria

    Neofeudal society in a hard scifi cyberpunk setting

    I'm working on a hard scifi cyberpunk story, but I'm having some trouble visualizing it. It's set around one hundred years into our future, and I don't want it to be perceived as another Blade Runner/Neuromancer copycat, although it will have (probably unavoidable) resemblances in certain...