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  1. I

    Floating islands and days lengths

    In my d&d homebrew, the story takes place on a series of floating islands about 6-10 miles high. This is a fantasy world that doesn't work like a real planet would, but the sun does rise and fall like normal, 24 hours. My question is would days on the islands be longer/shorter than somewhere on...
  2. SirenSon117

    Seasonal Maps

    Hello! This is my first proper post in Mythic Scribes and I'd like to ask a question that's been in my mind for a while. When making a fantasy world a lot of people just rename the months on the Gregorian Calendar or use a lunar calendar if they're feeling extra creative that day. I feel that...
  3. Babayaga321

    Managing the Passage of Years

    Hi all... I'm just returning to a novel I have pretty-much half completed and have a question about how best to deal with the passage of time? My protagonist is an 11 year-old girl, daughter of the previous ruler of the World, who was spirited away to safety as a baby by a trusted witch as the...
  4. Gotis

    How do Dwarves tell time?

    I was thinking about how a subterranean race would note the passage of time without the skies. The idea of using music hit me a few days ago. I could imagine ancient Dwarves banging rocks together in rhythm to time out some task. "That's 50 clacks, turn those mole burgers over!" They could from...