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Amid Frantic NaNostorms, I arrive!


So, not to hijack the whole "Scribe" thing...but I'm Scribe! Or Lauren. Whichever. I've been nicknamed Scribe for the past 14 years, so it's a little hard to shake.

Anyway, I was led here by Dreamhand, my awesome podcasting little brother of awesomeness. I'm a podcaster, fantasy writer, voice actress, and general lover of all things fantasy and historical fiction. I lived in Japan for three years and speak Japanese (also a lover of Japanese history), so feel free to chuck my way any questions you don't trust anime and dramas to provide the answers to. :)

I blog at Ink-Stained Scribe and podcast at Pendragon Variety and Fit 2 Write. I'm on Google + and Twitter (@Marksmaster) and Facebook as L. Scribe Harris. :)

Uhh...I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of it right now. Howdy, folks!
Welcome to the show, glad to see some familial blood joining the party. Thanks for the links, I'll be sure to check it out. Look forward to seeing what you have to offer us!