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Anyone interested in this idea?


For a couple of weeks I've had an idea for a setting but it's not something I wanted to actually do myself because while interesting, it's not the kidn fo setting I prefer to create.

Wat if the mindset of governments was stuck in the 40ies or 50ies, where they honestly thought about using nukes all over the place, biological and chemical warfare was considered A-OK and even heavily researched and overall a lot of the morality we take for granted nowadays (despite it having many glaring holes) was not something people really considered.

The story would take place in the 80ies or early 90ies and be some kind of dieselpunk with tech made by people with ideas stuck in the 40ies and 50ies so e.g. irl it's now all about drones, ai, precision guided munitions, etc. but they still mostly just focus on making bigger explosion, shooting larger projectiles and having thicker armor and e.g. use nuclear powered tanks. And of course chemical and sometimes biological warfare.

The world overall also has not changed that much, so e.g. European powers still are not that close with each other (dunno if WW 2 happened and if so, what it went like) and hold on to their colonies in Africa, etc. but I haven't thought about how the conditions in the colonized countries are.

Potentially some folks from the 40ies could still be alive, e.g. the Nazis might still be around and thanks to their horrible human experiments they found a way to prolong life further than today, if at the cost of many other people's lives so e.g. Hitler could still be in his 90ies or something and just not let go of Germany or Stalin might still be ravaging the USSR, etc..

All sorts of conspiracy theories could also be true like Stanley Kubrick dying in a freak accident shortly after the moon landing (actually fake in this setting), maybe Hitler was ousted like irl but is now plotting to take Germany back from his extensive base in South America or the Illuminati and a version of the Freemason who are truly plotting to take over the world do exist and do influence governments.
If you want to get more fantastical you could add stuff like the Philadelphia Experiment being real or even fantasy stuff like the Mothman being real, etc. or instead just keep it to espionage and intrigue.

anyone interested in this? I think it's a cool idea with a lot of potential but I am not interesting in doing any of it myself (at best commenting about threads when I feel like it if someone else actually picks it up) and atm I am writing down a ton of ideas for my epic fantasy / scifi settings (one I created literally 2 days ago but already wrote down a whole bunch of ideas for).