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App Development

Hi Guys,

I made my first Android app for my website yesterday using the free site Appsgeyser.com. It was pretty cool, although you have to pay Google to become an app developer to actually put your apps on the play network (so this isn't self-promotion since that app isn't available).

Anyway, I have some programming background but no programming programs (other than LaTeX with WinEdt) and am interested in starting to develop games and more apps for my books and worlds.

Recommended programs? Anyone know more? I am probably just going to go this route: Android SDK | Android Developers but I'm going in blind and could use advice.

I learn quickly, so I'm not really worried about doing a language similar to one I know.

Have you guys thought of this with your books/worlds? What type of apps do you think would be good tie-ins?


I have heard good things about the Android SDK but have no experience with it myself. There is an engine/package called GameMaker that I used to hear a lot about, I'd recommend checking that out.

Furthermore, for all further game-development related questions, I suggest checking out one of my other hangouts: gamedev.com. There are lots of very talented people and some great discussions there.
I have heard good things about the Android SDK but have no experience with it myself. There is an engine/package called GameMaker that I used to hear a lot about, I'd recommend checking that out.

Furthermore, for all further game-development related questions, I suggest checking out one of my other hangouts: gamedev.com. There are lots of very talented people and some great discussions there.

Thanks a lot! GameMaker looks pretty good for testing the waters for games. While looking into it, I found this blog post that has a professional developer analyze its pros and cons if anyone else is considering this.

Thanks for the community recommendation also, although I am also interested in more app-y things outside of games as well.
For people interested in making a visual novel, there is renpy.org. Seems very easy, and it is free too, so this is definitely something I am going to explore more.


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
For people interested in making a visual novel, there is renpy.org. Seems very easy, and it is free too, so this is definitely something I am going to explore more.

Looks interesting. Reminds me of a couple of computer games. There's definitely a few stories I could tell with this format, but I wonder if there's a better program for it. I'm as poor as the next guy, but a few dollars seems worth it for a program you'd sink that much time into.
Looks interesting. Reminds me of a couple of computer games. There's definitely a few stories I could tell with this format, but I wonder if there's a better program for it. I'm as poor as the next guy, but a few dollars seems worth it for a program you'd sink that much time into.

I dunno'. I don't think you really need much firepower to do a visual novel--some basic variables if you want a choose-your-own-adventure type and beyond that the ability to call images, text and music. It's very popular in Japan. Here's the wikipedia article.

Of course, if anyone knows of better artillery for this (beyond all-out developing it yourself!), then please chime in. I'm apparently poorer than the next guy, but I like to know my options!
I dunno'. I don't think you really need much firepower to do a visual novel--some basic variables if you want a choose-your-own-adventure type and beyond that the ability to call images, text and music. It's very popular in Japan. Here's the wikipedia article.

Of course, if anyone knows of better artillery for this (beyond all-out developing it yourself!), then please chime in. I'm apparently poorer than the next guy, but I like to know my options!

Just finished reading the wiki article and was astonished to hear that the text of Fate/stay night is longer than LotR! Wow! (Aside: I loved the anime!)
Hey guys,

If you're interested in doing a "visual novel", I think it's important to make a distinction. A visual novel is typically a choose-your-own-adventure type where the player is presented with choices and those choices can affect the events in the story and the ultimate ending. I just got done playing Nanolife and Moonlight Walks and those games featured a variety of choices, although you're usually railroaded into 3-4 endings. On the other hand, you can also do "kinetic novels" which are basically just a visual representation of a novel with no reader interaction. (The name comes from a brand, which is why it's not exactly logical).

From everything I've seen, Ren'py uses Python so you are able to code more complicated scripts (even to make RPGs and other "useful" programs/apps), is free, and is relatively simple and straightforward.

This has convinced me to choose Ren'py as my first real foray into the app/program development realm and I think I will do a visual novel version of "The Change", my zombie-metamorphosis short story.

Still interested in other programs and ideas though!