Electric Bone Flute
Let’s say about two standard deviations outside the normal bell curve (2.5% of the population) there are people who can open portals to other locations in the universe, so long as it is in sightline. The portals persist until they say so and another portal opener can’t close it until the one who opened it died. Let’s say also that the range is unlimited, and by happy coincidence in this universe all atmospheres are habitable, even if they are not all inhabited. You can look at a planet, point, and there’s a portal there. What could a Bronze Age society do with this?
- They would probably quickly get used to the fact that life on other planets is weird, should they ever find it.
- Finding more land, especially on uninhabited planets, is good
- Good banishing tool provided that the person you need to banish is not a portal opener... unless you cut off their hands.
- No aliens have this power.
- No prediction on whether there are sapient species, or what tech level they are at.