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Chamos Everyone, Call me Dante

Dante Sawyer

Well, firstly, hello to all who use this forum. This is understandably my first post.

I recently just completed my first full-length novel which is the first in a six part series. Being a teenager and having to find the time to juggle writing, schoolwork, football, my girlfriend, and all my friends in general, I can’t believe I ever found the time to write a whole book. Still, I can honestly say I have never felt the way I did when I finally wrote that last word and pushed back from my computer. It took a few minutes to sink in that I actually completed my novel.

All that being said, I’m currently in the editing process. After that I do hope to get my work (The Choices of One) published. So if anyone knows of any good indie-publishers, please send some notification my way.

I just finished the prologue to the sequel of my novel and I do hope I am able to finish this one in less time than it took my first one (a story that I began writing without any plan whatsoever). I look forward to any help anyone can offer and to helping anyone who would accept it from a humble aspiring author.



greetings bro. Im in the middle of writing my novel, The Kings Assassin. And a footballplayer that likes to write? I've never heard of that, but keep on writing. I would love to read more from you, so keep up the work. I would like to ask you something though: How long did it take you to write the novel?

Dante Sawyer

Yeah I know, I'm abnormal. You typically don't see a jock being the type that aspires to be an author, but whatever.

Anyway, I started my novel in Jan of 2010. The prologue (only about 10000 words) took me four months because I was just writing whatever came to mind with no plan whatsoever. After that I had a rough idea and the next eight months I wrote a bit less than 70000 words. A year after I started I had like eighty thousand words and was on a high to finish. I cranked out the final 45000 words in three months. So it took me all and all 15 months, but once I had a plan, the process went much faster.



Glad you joined.

Your ability to juggle a busy schedule is important. No matter the stage in life you reach, there will always be a lot going on and for you to have any chance of writing success (or for it to continue), writing will have to have other than the lowest priority.

Duotrope.com is a good place to start seeking information on potential publishing houses for your work. Also check Preditors & Editors and Absolute Write to check background and track records (good, bad and otherwise).


Dante Sawyer

Terry and Map,
Thanks guys. I appreciate it. And Terry, thanks for the info on publishers. I'm still in the editing process, but I have been doing research on publishers so when that is all finally finished, I'll be ready to send it off as quickly as possible.

I look forward to talking with you all on the forum.
