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Creating fantasy cities.


Myth Weaver
I got it! Great googly moogly. I've gotten this bundle a couple years running, so the pile. And I reset my computer the day before yesterday and now I have to reload all that on DSL. Ye gods.

View attachment 3794

Not sure if you meant it, but those look like license keys to me. If they are, posting them in public may lead to them getting noticed and eventually cut off.

Anyway...I had CC3 (still do I guess), but I moved onto inkarnate.

A. E. Lowan

Forum Mom
Not sure if you meant it, but those look like license keys to me. If they are, posting them in public may lead to them getting noticed and eventually cut off.

Anyway...I had CC3 (still do I guess), but I moved onto incarnate.
Whoops! Thanks, hon. <3

A. E. Lowan

Forum Mom
CC3+ is my first mapping software, ever. It hasn't been a priority, because we knew what we were talking about. Until we started the worldbuilding on our next series, and now I see why.

This is the first and to date only map of Seahaven. It's the block of the Historical District where Brian lives and Winter has her clinic. Much trendy. 20240701_133103.jpg