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Do the Opposite of "Trim The Fat" Trick

Hello, my name is June Chevalier, and I'm a fantasy author. I would like to share my method to writing a novel, which I've actually employed to finish my recent novel "Gotterhavn: Hecatomb's Prize".
I have heard so much about writing the first draft fat, and then cutting the fat later on during editing pass. I did the opposite. In my first draft, I wrote only the barebones, the necessary plot without embellishment, which resulted in low word count. During the editing, I checked whether I could trim some part of the plot, and then I started to expand, adding details and paragraphs that could enhance the atmosphere, adding more flair to the dialogues, etc.
It is very doable, and it actually takes away the dread of 1) writing that long first draft, which now shouldn't be too long, and 2) the pain of cutting and trimming too many things you might've grown attached to.
I hope it helps!