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Does anyone know what this is?


Hey guys, I am a deep sleeper. But often when I wake / in the process of waking, a few unusual things happen.

1. I move very slowly, I guess that’s not unusual but it’s almost as if time is distorted.

2. Sometimes, I will be coming out of a deep sleep and I move one foot to the floor, I assume I am awake and nearly get my whole body out of bed, then I wake up (while still thinking im awake) back in the same position I was when I was asleep. Sometimes this happens multiple times before I ‘shake it off’ and wake up.

3. I’ve made it as far as in to the kitchen only to re wake in bed.


Maybe an out of body experience?

imagine you’re in a trick house, you finally get to the door which you are 100% sure it is the exit out, only to walk through it and appear at the very start of the maze.

Rhats what it feels like


It sounds like astral projection. :coffee:
I've successfully tried it in the past (while being awake). I remember that I felt like I was moving incredibly slow. (my physical body was unmoving, but when I visualized and felt my astral body moving inside the house, it was like in slow motion)

Astral projection can occur accidentally during sleep (or rather, before falling asleep/while waking up? I think...), or it can be achieved consciously in the waking state while in deep meditation. I am sure you can find a variety of books on this.

I can't say why this is happening to you now. o_O


Hey guys, I am a deep sleeper. But often when I wake / in the process of waking, a few unusual things happen.

1. I move very slowly, I guess that’s not unusual but it’s almost as if time is distorted.

2. Sometimes, I will be coming out of a deep sleep and I move one foot to the floor, I assume I am awake and nearly get my whole body out of bed, then I wake up (while still thinking im awake) back in the same position I was when I was asleep. Sometimes this happens multiple times before I ‘shake it off’ and wake up.

3. I’ve made it as far as in to the kitchen only to re wake in bed.
It's neither sleepwalking nor sleep paralysis - the latter is when the (entirely normal) switching off of your body's movement connections during sleep doesn't get turned back on as soon as you wake up. It is described as being scary as hell by people who go to their doctors about it.
Sleep walking is when the movement switch off doesn't happen properly when you fall asleep, meaning you act out your dreams to some extent.
It sounds like you're describing regular dreaming given that once you are fully awake it stops. The content is kinda weird, but dreams often are in all kinds of ways.


I don't know what it is.

But I do know it could make a fascinating character trait.

That's if you want to be reminded of it, of course.


Myth Weaver
It could be a form of lucid dreaming or hyper realistic dreaming.
I get to lucid dream occasionally and have entire adventure before I'm fully awake. I sort of know I'm asleep but I also know I not awake.
I knew someone that had such hyper realistic and long lasting dreams that they would turn up a day early to things because they had already dreamt/lived the previous day. It was as if they were gaslighting themselves or everyone else was gaslighting them...


It's probably hypnopompic. It can be very real and lucid but you're still in bed. It can be related to astral projection experiences if you believe in that.

I don't get that often but I definitely get hypnagogia just before sleep. That can be a really good show.


Myth Weaver
I wake up in dreams and go about my day until it gets too weird, and I realize I'm dreaming, so I wake up and go about my day until it gets weird again, and I realize I'm dreaming... I think 3 or 4 deep is my record, heh heh. Lucid dreams are commonplace for me, so my subconscious is always out to get me with trick dreams, heh heh. Like, knowing that I'm dreaming and trying to convince me that the horrible thoughts in my head are repressed memories coming out in the dream. That was naughty of my brain, let me tell you. Because of lucid dreaming, I haven't had a nightmare since I could take control of dreams as a kid.