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I read Eragon, got part way through Eldest and just quit. I found them dull, unoriginal and just not worth spending any more time on.
I read Eragon, got part way through Eldest and just quit. I found them dull, unoriginal and just not worth spending any more time on.

I agree entierly - they're badly written before you consider the inherant inbalance, self-contradiction and absolute lack of logic involved in them.

and the fact the plot's sar wars with jedi replaced with dragon rider...


I agree entierly - they're badly written before you consider the inherant inbalance, self-contradiction and absolute lack of logic involved in them.

and the fact the plot's sar wars with jedi replaced with dragon rider...

Oh is it? I've never paid attention to Star Wars so didn't pick up on that one. Might explain why my husband enjoyed it though.
I agree with the Star Wars conspiracy theorists. This kid write well, but he copied an idea...entirely. I sat down with a group once and we took turns identifying the cut and paste allusions to SWs. Look it up online and you'll find charts of how Paolini is a copy-cat artist.

BUT, he also sold way more than I have or probably ever will and is filthy rich. DANG!
but he sold it all through having a good marketer, and by this being the 1 in 1 billion chance that cliche's sell...

so he got lucky, and I can't find any respect for him.


New Member
I had an extremely different opinion about eragon compared to some others it seems. I thought it was nothing like twilight (thank god no vampires!) and personally found it to be an exceptional read- i'm currently reading eldest and haven't seen many twilight-like aspects. For one it's not a romance it's a full fledged fantasy and personally it's written by an extremely talented author espeacially considering his age. Being 14 and a writer i appriciate the novel maybe more than some older readers but if you like fantasy like tamora pierce, j.k. rowling and lord of the rings balled into one then i deffinately reccomend this read!


New Member
Brisinger was my favorite of the three. But the are all totally worth reading. The forth one comes out on November 8th and I can't wait!


New Member
THAT IS SUCH CRAP! There is no way that Eragon is in anyway like Star Wars and I grew up with both so... Paolini just made his books really desriptive, which isn't a bad thing. It just takes a brain (which you two are obviously lacking) to understand it all.


THAT IS SUCH CRAP! There is no way that Eragon is in anyway like Star Wars and I grew up with both so... Paolini just made his books really desriptive, which isn't a bad thing. It just takes a brain (which you two are obviously lacking) to understand it all.

There really is no reason to be rude. I did enjoy Eragon but it is certainly not the best example of Fantasy literature. In reality Eragon does borrow quite a bit from Star Wars, though it does diverge some in later books. See this link to see just how similiar they are.

Comparisons between the plot of Eragon and Star Wars@Everything2.com

Also you should use the edit feature instead of making three different posts.
THAT IS SUCH CRAP! There is no way that Eragon is in anyway like Star Wars and I grew up with both so... Paolini just made his books really desriptive, which isn't a bad thing. It just takes a brain (which you two are obviously lacking) to understand it all.

well, somebody's in a bad mood. people are entitled to an opinion, even if it diverges from yours, and if you look into that link you'll see a heck of a lot of similarities

also, if you grew up with both, you probably grew up with the star-wars origin trillogy (phantom menace and all that) which I'll concede it's different too, but the quality of both is simmilar :p

and I'll admit brisingr was the best of the three, but it was still only an average book. and here's the thing that annoyed me most about the trilogy. at least there wasn't as much star-wars refferencing in it (other than the replacement sword after x took the first)

Casting magic requires you to say what it is in the elven language, whilst being able to cast magic, and there is (stated by the author) no way to not cast the spell whislt saying this. The elves don't speak human, yet they can talk without casting anything. this, no matter how you look at it, is a major continuity error.
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Matty Lee

Eragon was fun when I read it. I didn't like the direction the story went even in the first book (I wanted Sapira and Eragon to do their own thing, more mercenary like than standard hero w/ rebellion narrative) but it was very enjoyable. Then I read the second one, I didn't mind reading through more description. Then I got older, a bit wiser, and I also was more interested in reading stuff on the INTERNET, where experts in all things spend most of their time (sarcasm off). It seemed that people had some issues with it, that it was cliche (isn't everything?) that it was like Star Wars/LoTR.

I generally try to just enjoy stories and get the best out of them rather than criticize, but now that I look back at the writing, now that I have read MUCH more, now that I know more about the craft, I can see why people revile it. Even after all of the editing Paolini was forced through by his publisher, the prose, the characters, and the plot and world were riddled with pus-oozing sores that disgusted those with literary sensitivities.

The story IS Star Wars. It has some plot elements similar to the Dragonriders of Pern series (which I didn't get into even though I tried) but the framework is Star Wars. The world is to LotR as a wax cheeseburger is to the real thing, superficial similarities, but one is edible and tastes good, the other looks like something that is edible and tastes good. I lost my ability to enjoy the series when I read the criticisms of it, and the sporks. Perhaps the series was ruined for me by these people, or perhaps I was saved from lowering my tastes.


Regarding Christopher Paolini and his inheritance circle I mean cycle, I think that he is an amateur writer with a lot of potential. In reading his books I think that he gets distracted from his main story. Its a nice fantasy story with some interesting characters that make an intriguing plot. But compared to Tolkien he still has alot of work to do. That said I will look forward to his next book but I am not a hard core fan just an observer.


There was this one youtube video I found once when looking for Eragon spoofs. They showed clips of the movie, but replaced the voices with Star wars dialogue. I wish I could find it again, it was so darn realistic. I knew it was like Starwars, but didn't know just how badly until I saw it.

I don't quite believe that Paolini's books are related to Tolkien's at all. I read them, but got halfway through Bristingr (which I should eventually finish). It's not all bad, it does have some good qualities about it, but I don't think I understand why it got to be so famous so fast.

One thing that made it different than Tolkien's work was the elves. I was so incredibly disappointed with them. Tolkien's elves (at least to me) gave a sort of holy, pure, wise vibe. I know elves don't have to be the same, but Tolkien's elves were beautiful. It had a classic feel, where you couldn't really imagine meeting such elves in person, because they are old and have their own code of honor. You could respect them.

When I read Paolini's, I got this image that they were just like humans, but lived longer. His writing seems much more modern, and it's not too hard to picture the elves as actual people you could meet on the street. His writing made me feel like the elves could be just as vile as humans if they wanted, depending on their character, and it made me feel like they were rather snobby. While his stories are not all bad, I guess I personally need there to be something remarkable about a book. The characters and races were okay, believable because they were a lot like people nowadays, but there was no one that stood out.


This post is going to have spoilers!

Let's play a game.... list mistakes Eragon makes!

I'm sure there's dozens of examples where his being a new to the hero game are readily apparent. I'll start...

It's his fault his mentor is killed!