Almyrigan Hero
After much thought, debate of varying emotional pitch and rationality with family members, and banging my head on the desk instead of actually writing, I'm beginning to question whether self-publishing is really for me. At the same time, though, I'm also prepared to stay in it for the long haul, developing a long-running mythos that tackles themes and ideas of my own choosing; and thus, am still ultimately concerned with keeping a grip on the intellectual property itself. So, to all trad/semi-trad/indie-but-not-exactly-self-published authors out there, I pose this question: what's a good pick?
What I'm looking for is essentially just a house that's in the business of doing business, and won't do a load of tampering while my back is turned. I'm fine with the concept of individual books being exclusive (assuming they actually manage to sell them at least,) but am less so down with the notion of being sued for referencing my own characters and settings without written permission.
Are there any places I can go for this kind of service, or is having to do your own marketing simply the inevitable price of possessiveness?
What I'm looking for is essentially just a house that's in the business of doing business, and won't do a load of tampering while my back is turned. I'm fine with the concept of individual books being exclusive (assuming they actually manage to sell them at least,) but am less so down with the notion of being sued for referencing my own characters and settings without written permission.
Are there any places I can go for this kind of service, or is having to do your own marketing simply the inevitable price of possessiveness?