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Freelance Q’s

In short, I’m considering setting myself up as a freelance graphic designer specialising in book cover design ONLY. I haven’t worked in the industry for a number of years, and whilst I have done a little bit of research myself, I wanted to ask if any of you freelancers out there have any nuggets of information on websites I should consider promoting myself on, what the industry is looking like right now, and maybe some other things I may not have considered?

Part of me is feeling a bit trepidatious about putting myself out after a period of stagnation, but I’m excited about the prospect of working with some clients and getting back into it.


Myth Weaver
You will need samples of your art.

Its okay to be nervous. Just do it anyway.
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Here as in Mythic Scribes? 😅

The only one I haven’t heard of is 99designs.

I’ve seen a lot of designers taking to TikTok to do promotion, but that feels like a strange corner of the internet.

I’ve thought through pricing, but was considering taking on around five clients to offer work for free to portfolio build.


Myth Weaver
Having something to show is important.

Well, tiktok strikes me as a place to reach unserious ppl. Doesn’t mean they dont buy book covers. But when i went looking. Tiktok links never came up.


Myth Weaver
Yes. Here as in ms. Any writers forum really so long as they dont call it spam.
Having something to show is important.

Well, tiktok strikes me as a place to reach unserious ppl. Doesn’t mean they dont buy book covers. But when i went looking. Tiktok links never came up.
When you went looking for book cover designers? Could I ask what you would want in a book cover designer? Price? Turnaround? Skill set?


It could be an idea to follow the development of AI in this area.

It could prove very helpful. And I don't mean Midjourney and that type of thing. It's more workflow programs I am trying to learn about.

I try to stay updated on all things AI through a daily newsletter. Let me know if you want the link.
It could be an idea to follow the development of AI in this area.

It could prove very helpful. And I don't mean Midjourney and that type of thing. It's more workflow programs I am trying to learn about.

I try to stay updated on all things AI through a daily newsletter. Let me know if you want the link.
I’m afraid I’ll be offering design services that are AI free! It’ll all be designed by myself on my Adobe suite, mostly illustrator and photoshop, with some hand drawn elements where necessary. I don’t even use stock images because I refuse to pay for them. That will also keep my prices affordable in theory.


I’m afraid I’ll be offering design services that are AI free! It’ll all be designed by myself on my Adobe suite, mostly illustrator and photoshop, with some hand drawn elements where necessary. I don’t even use stock images because I refuse to pay for them. That will also keep my prices affordable in theory.
Good luck with it. :)

I wouldn't hire a designer that designs with AI either.


Myth Weaver
So...Book Cover design.

Well...since I am going it alone (or indi), I pretty much get to choose what I like. But...I am open to the marketability of it as well. I am not sure what my complete list of wants was to start with, they evolved as I went. I think they were something along the lines of, art work and not a photo or CGI image, was able to capture a mood or something engaging in the scene, had a style that matched somewhat what was in my head.

Over time, I came to see that these additional things matter as well....
  • Understands that book covers are front and back, and include thinks like the blurb and the barcode
  • Understands that the book is part of a series and other covers may follow and should follow a theme
  • Understands the market and what helps and does not help sell (if possible).
  • Understands that the book cover is to be unique and 'mine' for all intents and purposes. I own the art and the reproduction rights
  • Is able to produce the cover in different forms (hardback, paperback, digital), and create other marketing items if needed, such as a banner or advertising gifs.

More loosely, items like Price, Turn around, Revisions also matter.

Looking around, I see I am supposed to be able to find a good artist for $200-$800. But that is not what I found, most I was attracted to are $1K-1.2K.

Some personal choices for me, I would like watercolors (I've always like that), a silver, white and purple pallet, and I want to be so impressed, I would use them again and again.

I have other requirements, I'd not mention here. I will send a PM. I am also not sure if this list is exhaustive. I may think of other stuff as the thread goes.

I will add, I have scoured the web, and Reedsy and not found a great match so far. Reedsy, maybe 2 I would consider, but I am not in love with their work.
Here as in Mythic Scribes? 😅

The only one I haven’t heard of is 99designs.

I’ve seen a lot of designers taking to TikTok to do promotion, but that feels like a strange corner of the internet.

I’ve thought through pricing, but was considering taking on around five clients to offer work for free to portfolio build.
I'm setting myself up on Draft to Digital, for which I will need cover art, would also go on my website when I get it built. I would not feel right not paying you for your time, so I would want to come to a deal about that, but would be interested in using your services.
I'm setting myself up on Draft to Digital, for which I will need cover art, would also go on my website when I get it built. I would not feel right not paying you for your time, so I would want to come to a deal about that, but would be interested in using your services.
No folio yet! My previous design work was not book cover design (and is all over seven years old). In other words, you may not like my style without having seen it first. I am UK based however, which I get the feeling you also are, so I may promote my services on here should I get to that point in the near future. If they fit then great, if not and you find someone else that you like the work of then also fine!
Price wise I wanted to create pre-priced packages, just to make it super easy for me and client both. Does this type of thing appeal to you out there?


Myth Weaver
Many websites have premade covers. They are usually cheaper, but harder to match to your story idea. I'd buy a premade cover if it matched my idea, but I want to know the artist, I might like to contact them about more ;)
Many websites have premade covers. They are usually cheaper, but harder to match to your story idea. I'd buy a premade cover if it matched my idea, but I want to know the artist, I might like to contact them about more ;)
I wouldn’t offer pre-made covers, just pre-packaged pricing and what’s included in said pricing, such as full cover design, spine and back, £price, and then something that would require me to charge more would be anything extra such as a ‘promotional material add on package’, at £additionalprice. For example.


Myth Weaver
I'm setting myself up on Draft to Digital, for which I will need cover art, would also go on my website when I get it built. I would not feel right not paying you for your time, so I would want to come to a deal about that, but would be interested in using your services.
I want to second this.

I mean...I have a day job, and I dont want people doing something for me for free that I ought to pay for. I understand the marketting and getting off the ground, and it is a strategy one might use to get started, but...I'd feel wrong doing it. What I want most, is someone who gets it, is excited about it, and wants to be a part of it....and has something to offer. I know that is rare. But if I found that, I would stop looking.

If an artist was able to say, I read your book, and I got such a great idea for a cover, and cant wait to do it...I'd probably hire them ;) But that probably does not really happen.