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Good evening all

Hi, just thought I would drop a quick note to introduce myself. My name is Stuart and I am in the early stages of becoming an English teacher, having decided to change careers after 20+ years in the Leisure Industry. I took a combined English Literature and Language degree over 4 years whilst working full time and have just graduated with honours.

I am now doing work experience in the English department of my local secondary school on my day off, to get classroom experience, with a view to gaining a full time placement in 2013.

In my spare time I write fantasy fiction - a scribbler, nothing more; but I also write official reviews of fantasy fiction. Over the last 12 months I have reviewed work by a number of well known authors including; Roger Zelazny, Alan Garner, Kenneth Oppel, Joanne Harris and Nick Lake. I am currently working on a review for ther new release, 'Boneland' by Alan Garner, the final part of the Alderley Trilogy that began with The Weirdstone of Brisingamen more than 50 years ago.

I would like to write more, but unfortunately the more I read, the more self critical I become and I edit myself to death :)

My goal is to break the mould - 'those who can, do; those who can't, teach and those who can't teach, write reviews.' I want to successfully do all three.

Looking forward to being an active part of the community here and sharing ideas and what little experience I have.

Best regards



Myth Weaver
Welcome to MS
You should find things [ideas, methods, concepts and people] that will help around here somewhere.
Sharing is good, jump on in when you feel you want to.


Welcome, Stuart!

I'm pretty new to the forum myself but this seems like a great place to meet other writers and get help and inspiration for fantasy writing. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.

I can definitely relate on what you said about becoming more self critical after reading the stories of other writers. I think probably one of the worst things a fiction writer can do is start comparing their work to the work of successful or more experienced writers. Especially any writers you might be a fan of. I think no matter how good you get as a writer, you'll probably always see your work as lacking when compared to the established writers you admire.

Writing is an art though and when someone puts all their heart and soul into it, I think the end result will always be a masterpiece.

Hi Zoe

I write for www dot fantasybookreview dot co dot uk - dont know how this site views links etc to other fantasy sites, so I have written it out to be on the safe side.

My review of 'Boneland' has been submitted, but can take up to a week to appear on the site - depends how busy Lee is :) but it should be on there in the next few days, along with my impressions of 'This Dark Endeavour' (The apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein) by Kenneth Oppel, which is set ot be turned into a film by the producers of 'Twilight' in 2013.

Best regards



Hi, just thought I would drop a quick note to introduce myself. My name is Stuart and I am in the early stages of becoming an English teacher, having decided to change careers after 20+ years in the Leisure Industry. I took a combined English Literature and Language degree over 4 years whilst working full time and have just graduated with honours.

I am now doing work experience in the English department of my local secondary school on my day off, to get classroom experience, with a view to gaining a full time placement in 2013.

In my spare time I write fantasy fiction - a scribbler, nothing more; but I also write official reviews of fantasy fiction. Over the last 12 months I have reviewed work by a number of well known authors including; Roger Zelazny, Alan Garner, Kenneth Oppel, Joanne Harris and Nick Lake. I am currently working on a review for ther new release, 'Boneland' by Alan Garner, the final part of the Alderley Trilogy that began with The Weirdstone of Brisingamen more than 50 years ago.

I would like to write more, but unfortunately the more I read, the more self critical I become and I edit myself to death :)

My goal is to break the mould - 'those who can, do; those who can't, teach and those who can't teach, write reviews.' I want to successfully do all three.

Looking forward to being an active part of the community here and sharing ideas and what little experience I have.

Best regards


Hello, Stuart. *waves to fellow Zelazny fan*

Something about that quote about "those who can't, teach": It gets misinterpretted all the time. It doesn't mean (or isn't supposed to mean) that teachers are incompetent in whatever they teach; it means that people who have to learn something because it doesn't come easily to them are better teachers than the ones who have some kind of instinctive understanding. (Trust me, I've been on both sides of that, and I find it nearly impossible at times to teach things that I 'just know' how to do, whereas the things that didn't come so easily to me, I'm pretty good at teaching to others. I've got a degree to teach, also. Never got to use it due to a physical disability that became worse not long before I finished getting my degree, but nevertheless...)