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New Member
Hello everyone, this is my first time registering in this forum so I might not know my way around things. I like to talk about fantasy stories/genre as it has so many themes you could create with it. I'm also a beginner when it comes to writing about fantasy but I am trying to be better at it.

I hoping when joining this place I can find fantasy writers who are like me and have a conversation/discussion and work together so that I can better my novel writing. I accept the welcome. :)


Welcome JasonMD----

I love that fantasy is such a versatile genre too--you could tackle just about anything with it.

Jump in and ask questions or express your views. We could always use more of that around here.

Good Luck, and have fun!

this is my first time registering in this forum so I might not know my way around things.
Emergency exits can be found at the front, center and rear of the forum. Please leave all your personal belongings behind in case of an emergency. A life-vest can be found underneath your seat, in case you find yourself drowning in water. Drinks can be found at the bar in the middle of the forum. Just look for where all the other writers are hanging out. Can't miss it really. Snacks can be found all over the place really.

There's also some writer stuff going on here and there. Most of it speaks for itself. In case you're unsure, don't worry about it, and either pick a spot or ask one of our lovely staff members for directions.


New Member
Welcome Jason, glad to have you join us. Do you have a work-in-progress right now?
Hi JBCrowson
I do have a work in progress of my story on its introduction, so I hope to explain more of it to someone to have their thoughts on what I could do.