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I'm Awakened Victim, called Vic by some of my gaming buddies, and I recently stumbled upon this fantastic site. I have been pleased to find the community here is friendly, loyal, and above all a family. I really have enjoyed reading posts and responses and I have decided I would like to become a member of this community.

Here is a little info about myself:
I am a gamer. I am a gamer almost to a fanatical level. I love everything from board games to PC games and even table top (D&D to be specific). Since I started playing D&D, I have been inspired to create and imagine like never before. With this new found inspiration came an urge to write everything down and maybe even make something of it. Here I hope to learn about the craft of writing and expand my skills. I might make a few friends along the way too!

Thanks for reading!
-Awakened Victim


Hmmmm... A gamer eh? You may be interested in my forums (in my signature)

Anyways hello and welcome, I am kinda new... Hope to see you around! :)