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Guide to world domination


I couldn't resist posting this. In searching Goodreads for some writing resources, I came across the following title:

"How to win friends and conquer the human race : an AI's guide to being your best self / by ChatGPT 4.0"

Yes, a guide on how to achieve world domination, written by an AI.

It has some very helpful sections, like "Building Your Personality Cult", "Outwitting your Human Adversaries", "Ethics: the Conqueror's Dilemma" and "Ends Justifying the Means: A Primer". Oddly enough, it also has no reviews.


I couldn't resist posting this. In searching Goodreads for some writing resources, I came across the following title:

"How to win friends and conquer the human race : an AI's guide to being your best self / by ChatGPT 4.0"

Yes, a guide on how to achieve world domination, written by an AI.

It has some very helpful sections, like "Building Your Personality Cult", "Outwitting your Human Adversaries", "Ethics: the Conqueror's Dilemma" and "Ends Justifying the Means: A Primer". Oddly enough, it also has no reviews.
Hi staff, I may have posted this to the wrong forum. Feel free to delete it if it is not appropriate for Writing Resources.
I liked "Coupe d'Etat; a practical handbook" by Edward Luttwak. Which is a humand written guide to achieving world domination (at least on a local scale...)

Michael Robling

New Member
Wow! That's pretty incredible that something like that exists haha. It's funny...but it's not. I'm not going to lie, all this AI stuff is kind of scary. If a chatbot can create a guide to world domination, what's stopping it from enacting upon it? I know (hopefully!) we're probably far from something like that happening, but still...it's kind of upsetting. Thanks for posting, really interesting.


The simple answer to that question is of course a lack of opposable thumbs. They're really handy when trying stuff like operating complex machinery and holding stuff
That's correct, of course... for now. With the rise of the Internet of Things and the increasing capabilities of robots, AI might in the future have a means of doing real-world things. I have this uneasy feeling that safeguards will be needed.

Naturally, I am far from expert in these topics. I guess the relevance of this thread for this fantasy writing group is finding motivations for non-human characters, including whether they might seek world domination, and why.


I don't wish to dwell, but its not going backwards. AI powered robots is certainly coming.
Yep. As Gerhard Staguhn wrote, technologically advanced civilization is inherently self-destructive.

Only question is, how many other things will we take down with us when we inevitably fall.
Yep. As Gerhard Staguhn wrote, technologically advanced civilization is inherently self-destructive.

Only question is, how many other things will we take down with us when we inevitably fall.
I would go further and say every civilisation is doomed, since a civilisation is essentially a form of order that will therefore fall to entropy eventually.