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Hello all

I would just like to say hello to everyone, once I found a fantasy writing site I knew I was at home. I love to write and read fantasy, or else of course I wouldn't be here. My favorite authors are Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, and the great..George R.R. Martin! Going to go ahead and say it, I hate Tolkien. Mhmm, I have never really committed to a story before, I always get ideas then grow bored; I need that problem fixed. I love to play video games, I have a PS3; I mostly play RPGs. Skyrim and Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning will consume my life. I would love to collaborate with someone; I have always wanted to do that. I love to roleplay so if anyone has a text- based role play to join that'd be great. I am fifteen. I love to play Chess and Diplomacy, strategy is kind of my thing. I don't really want to make my world full of magic, I love medieval era so something with Kingdoms and Knights..and intrigue;) is more my style. So yeah, that's about it. Hope to make some new friends! :D

Johnny Cosmo

I don't really want to make my world full of magic, I love medieval era so something with Kingdoms and Knights..and intrigue

I'm with you there, and I'm also preparing to lose my social life to Skyrim.
Like right now I am currently reading book 5 of A Song of Ice and Fire: A Dance With Dragons, and I absolutely love the series. I would love to something like it, but of course make it my own. I want to combine the realness and intrigue, and of course the character development of A Game of Thrones and mix it with the pure storytelling and prose of The Name of the Wind. My dream:D. If you like Skyrim you should look up Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, it looks amazing. Almost, if not as big, as Skyrim. And R.A. Salvatore wrote a 10,000 year history for the game!