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Hello everybody!


I am currently working on my own little fantasy world (like most of you, I assume) and have been doing so since I read my first fantasy novel ages ago, I suppose... of course, not much is left of the ancient attempts, but I think the material I currently collected spans almost 8 years, I think... This might sound long, but I have not been all that creative during most of the time.

However, inspiration struck me again a couple of month back, and even though I don't really have too much time at hand at the moment, I managed to note down at least a few ideas... It's supposed to be a high fantasy thing, with most of the classical races and not so many made up stuff with hard-to-pronounce names that are eventually still orcs in disguise. However, it's supposed to get a unique touch, too, somehow. Unfortunately, I kind of got stuck yet again (usually, I make up things while jogging, but then I didn't run for a while and now it's hard to get the ideas flowing as freely as before again), so I though I might as well join this forum, which seemed pretty nice, and try to keep in touch with writing as much as I can in order to save me from another year's break or something.

I am an avid fan of tabletop gaming (Mordheim, especially) and wrote my first proper little stories as background for some pirates I was fielding... I am trying to convert these to fit the background of my own world in order to perhaps write a first little novella about their adventures and get a feel for my world before tackling the big story I have in mind.

Quite lengthy already, so I suppose that's it for now.

Eliazar ;)



Keep jotting those ideas and organizing and write when you can. There always seems to be a shortage of time in life.

Glad you joined. Hope we can help you along, and you can help others along as well.
