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Hello there!

Hey folks! You all can call me Alex!
I'm an aspiring fantasy/sci-fi author, especially fantasy. I'm currently building a new fantasy world and magic system. I want to create a world that I can tell various stories in, stories that happen in various times spanning the world's history. My ultimate goal is to be able to write compelling storylines and a magic system that can hold up to close scrutiny, with minor inconsistencies for those who look really deep. I want to avoid obvious plot holes like "why didn't they just use x superpower to kill the villain from the start?"

I'm in the VERY early stages of this process, but I felt like it might be the time to join some different writing communities, especially communities focused on fantasy, and Mythic Scribes seems like one of those places!

This doesn't quite seem like the place to dump all the stuff I have so far, so maybe I'll have a thread soon with a primer.
Hey folks! You all can call me Alex!
I'm an aspiring fantasy/sci-fi author, especially fantasy. I'm currently building a new fantasy world and magic system. I want to create a world that I can tell various stories in, stories that happen in various times spanning the world's history. My ultimate goal is to be able to write compelling storylines and a magic system that can hold up to close scrutiny, with minor inconsistencies for those who look really deep. I want to avoid obvious plot holes like "why didn't they just use x superpower to kill the villain from the start?"

I'm in the VERY early stages of this process, but I felt like it might be the time to join some different writing communities, especially communities focused on fantasy, and Mythic Scribes seems like one of those places!

This doesn't quite seem like the place to dump all the stuff I have so far, so maybe I'll have a thread soon with a primer.
Hi Alex, welcome aboard, I'm a newbie here too. Look forward to hearing about your world.
Thanks, still figuring out how things work around here. What's acceptable in terms of putting stuff one has written on for comment, for example.


Myth Weaver
Post it in writers work, or make a portfolio. Those are two area of the site where work is not open to the general public. Writers work is the most typical.

You have to make at least five posts though before they open up for you.