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Hello Writers


I just joined yesterday, I wrote the book "Heroes Crescent", which is a fantasy swords & sorcery genre with many characters and many worlds.

Reading Fantasy Books or watching anything related to fantasy is what I love to do in my sparetime which is why I joined. And I think we all have that in common.

I go to screenwriting & production school because stories involved in movies is also something I have a big passion for, thank you all.

Emrick Norr

Welcome Stefan.

I love movies and shows also, but I've been disappointed with most adaptations done in the past few years. May be a passionate fantasy fan like you will be able to change that.

Best of luck in your projects.


Welcome Stefan, are you working on another book currently?

Hello, currently the only book I would be writing is a adaptation to the Warcraft Story, during the Lordaeron Era for my own amusement.
(Not selling or publishing it)

I was really saddened of how Arthas Menethils Story in Warcraft III
all happened too fast. I would like to extend his story, add more depth to it and prolong it.
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Lots of good advice on writing from the screenwriting community. I've found the YouTube channel "Film Courage" really helpful for general writing advice that applies to both screenwriting and novels.