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New Member
To all here,
Hello, I am both a beginner writer and a fan fiction writer. Please allow me to ask some questions; First, how do you feel about fan fiction written for the original author to see and use? Second, why do some writers choose to quit writing a series, when the fans clearly want more? Those are my questions, thank you. Please write me back with any answers.
Thank you, again.
JosiesNanna :balanced:


Myth Weaver
Hail and well met JosiesNanna
Glad to have you here.
This is a great place to learn and share.
Leap on in when you have half a mind.

Don't know if I can answer your first question... but I'll give it a go....
"Plagiarism" starts swirling around my head... I don't know if an author would use characters [events etc] created as Fan-fic in their original work, without making it explicit that they were using another persons work... I know at least one author which asked his readers for ideas to include in a forthcoming book. But that was more of a reward to his faithful fans and the deal was explicitly that. He also regetted it as he got inundated with thousands of idea and some overlapped with what he had planed to to already. I know of authors that will not read any other author's work just so there cannot be an accusation of plagiarism levelled at them.
As for your second questions... boredom I would say is the most likely answer. If you have spent 5-10-30 years writing one character [or group], you might just feel that you have learnt and written about everything that you want to with them. I like salmon and cream- cheese on rye crackers [its my favourite lunch] but after two days I want a bowl of tomato soup or some lamb couscous..


I think the article this month explains it well.

My view on fan fic:
I love many characters in book and movie/tv series, but I don't know them intimately. I was not there at their birth, how can I say how they will react to any given situation? Thats why I don't base any character off any one individual I know.
I was not there when the world around the characters was created. I don't know how fast the planet spins, how the winds blow in a given parallel, the native inhabitants of the greatest plains of that world. IN short, I didn't create it, so how do I know what belongs or doesn't?

Like the aritcle says I think it might be a good experience to venture known characters into unknown areas as a writing exercise, but if you offer the fan fic to another fan or the author, I bet they wouldn't feel it was the same character, just a facimile of the original.
I build my world, I birth my characters, I know them, how they work, why they believe as they do.
No one else will ever write them the way I do.
Its like the claim that someone might steal your idea and write you book. NO two people will write the same story. No two people will write the same character.

2nd: They have planned out the series and might be tired of the characters or maybe have an urge to create something new.
Never overstay your welcome in story telling, always leave them wanting more. Because if they don't want more then your book will probably flop, no matter how well you wrote it.
It could be they didn't see the other path for a story. Writers have to be inspired to write, if they don't feel a story down that other path, they can't write it even if someone else thinks it will be great.

Please, do not stop writing because I am not big in fanfic or take offense, I say how I feel about it, not that there isn't good fan fic out there. I just don't assume to know someone elses work enough to say I can honestly portay them in a story.