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Smithing the page since I could write, and only ever for my own regard.
Chipping out words and lines erudite, forever waiting to be the bard.
Who dwells in my heart.

Helloo fantasy muses! I finally feel like I have time to write, so I'm hoping this site fills me with lots of inspiration, and that I can give a little too. :) Happy Saturday (or whatever day it is where you are).


Welcome--hope you find the place useful.

So what kind of project do you have in mind or already underway?


Welcome--hope you find the place useful.

So what kind of project do you have in mind or already underway?
Hi Incanus, I have just started writing a fantasy novel. 20,000 words in so early stages, but it has two competing systems of magic, environmental cataclysm, religious war and poses questions on the gender(s) divide. So I'm packing it in, haha!


I should also add that one of the systems of magic is analogous to our (as in, the real-ish world) use of oil. And I want it to be character driven. I love fantasy and sci-fi, but my favourite stories are ones of really strong characters that you get to know well and believe in, who happen to be set in a fantasy or sci-fi world. So not making the fantasy the point, iycwim?


Myth Weaver
I am not aware of oil being magic, unless you mean something along the lines of essential oils, of which I dont know very much.

Characters and an interesting world is all I could ask for.

Is this your first project? Do you have other completed works?


My apologies. I guess I mean analogous in its ubiquity, use and production (in my world magic is dug up and processed in factories) rather than as a direct comparison...although essential oils have been used in myth, magic and medicine for centuries, so that's an interesting thought...:unsure:

Alas no. I went down the corporate career path on leaving university, then started a family, so it left very little time to write. My life has changed somewhat since Covid however. My daughter is a bit older, and I get to do a tedious, but stress-less job from home, which is giving me much more time to re-acquaint myself with my muse. Here's hoping to the first of many (fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed!)


Myth Weaver
I'd not mind going to the story to buy some magic, but I think maybe people would not like what I might do with it....🤔 interesting.
Random curiosity question: do you find yourself drawing from the experience of your corporate career while writing your fantasy book?


Random curiosity question: do you find yourself drawing from the experience of your corporate career while writing your fantasy book?
Thank you Jackarandajam! Hmmm...not consciously, but there must be some subconscious elements in there. I've posted a little bit now on a portfolio on here, and now I'm wondering what's buried beneath!
Thank you Jackarandajam! Hmmm...not consciously, but there must be some subconscious elements in there. I've posted a little bit now on a portfolio on here, and now I'm wondering what's buried beneath!
I worked construction for a long time and pull heavily from the experience.
It seems like corporate experience could really lend itself to a cool, relatable spin on the inner-politics aspect of fantasy?