I read up to book three, or four. It is a funny story. I got up to the bit where he finds some kind of dragon sword. It is similar to SoT, but they are stand alone stories, with an over arching plot. A new antagonist and all that. You may disagree.
Well, WoT begins in a flash back, and he is called kin slayer, and then he is reborn, as the dragon reborn, and he is reborn, again and again. It is just a funny preface , or precedent. SoT is a little different, because instead of being all powerful, he is a loner, and he searches for things, because the lands are all awry. If there was a fan fiction crossover, it would just be the naked truth, what that maybe, and if it is a true romance and love story, basically.
I personally found Wheel of Time hard to get through. I had started and stopped it three times before I finished book 1.
I thought Mr. Jordan, was long winded, did not often get to it, and did a terrible job showing the dynamics between men and women.
I did read sword of truth, I remember never liking the name choices, specially for the MC, and I think that was was the rip off of LOTR. I barely remember it. Just the end, when the truth part mattered.
Tolkien is not the easiest reading, but he is the godfather of it all....least all the current fantasy writers. You'll have to know his stuff to be in the conversation.
Yes we do. I dont know, maybe because I have never played a video game based on my homeland's myths and folklore that I am mainly attracted to European and larger Asian myths
But ya, in our homestate, we have a lil backstory of our culture
Wheel of Time lost me around book 4, but that was way back when the books were still being released. It's a classic; it has too many die-hard fans to deny that, but I'm not one of them. This makes it odd to me that a lot of my readers are WoT fans. It is worth a go to see if you enjoy it.
I kind of lost the thread of this series but I do remember that I loved how messy it was with a huge cast of characters.
The only downside I recall is that, almost, no plotlines ever gets resolved. They just keep going and going and going past what one thought was their conclusion. Loads of characters that keeps hanging on even past the point where their part in the main story, or their part in a side story has long been resolved.
Or at least that's what I recall from it.
I hope to be able to return to it and read it from start to finish now that's its finish, even by another author.