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Jan Fosse

New Member
Hello - I am brand new to this forum, and just wanted to pop in and say hello! My name is Jan Fosse, and I am so glad to find a forum for people who write and think like I do! It gets lonely being the only fantasy writer I know. :)

I actually have a question, if that's okay to post in this forum - if not, I'm sorry. Do any of you post your writing online, and if so what concerns do you have about idea theft, and what do/can you do to prevent it? I have a blog that I want to post backstory, mythology, etc on, but I don't want to have it snatched by some enterprising word burglar. Thanks for your comments in advance, and now I'm going to go check the rest of this forum out!

If you write something and post it, it's copyrighted. You could go a step furthur and put on your blog that your words are protected. (Copyright Jan Fosse 2011) - or something similar. Also, it wouldn't be hard to prove that you wrote the words first via data tracking and document saving; however, I'm sure a talented hacker could fix that. But, why would they...just to steal some words? I think for the most part you are safe. There are a lot of laws dealing with original, online material. Maybe someone else here can fill in the gaps.


Jan Fosse,

Welcome to the forum.

If you go to U.S. Copyright Office a lot of your questions may be answered there.

Note: that ideas cannot be protected by copyright. Anything written/created (print/electronic) for example a song, lyrics, a story or poem or a painted picture, you immediately own the copyright to it. You don't have to register it for it to be yours.

If you are/remain concerned, examine the reason for posting of the material online. What do you have to gain by posting backstory and such prior to a work being published, as opposed to what you feel you might lose if it were stolen?

There is also first publishing rights to worry about. Some publishers are funny about stuff put online on a blog or forum. Others are moving into the 21st century with gusto.


hi there,

Welcome to Mythicscribes, I hope You enjoy it here, and I look froward to your posts. (perhaps I'll steal some words XD, That was a joke by the way)