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Hello, I'm and artist and a writer, been trying to finish a long drawn out story for ages now and can't seem to give it up, so hoping that joining a fantasy writer's forum would help me finish the damned thing. I need to overcome fear & laziness, plus there is absolutely no inspiration to be had where I live or the people near me.

My stories:


They're old now but I'd still like feedback. I decided not to attempt sending my stories in to any magazine or publisher until I was completely sure I liked it, but I don't get much feedback where I stay that's difficult. My primary influences, or basically writers I love, fantasy, sci-fi, plain fiction, a lot of feminist stuff, and I've noticed many people don't have much patience with that, but reactions can only help me get better:
Ursula K. Le Guin
Octavia Butler
Isabelle Allende
Simone de Beauvoir
Robert Jordan
John Fowles
lots more...possibly every artwork, movie, book I've liked, can't name them all. And generally subscribing to the Tor site short stories, brilliant stuff by current writers, so many brilliant writers, just to keep up with what constitutes good fantasy writing these days.

I have my stuff up on Epilogue but the site's been down, so here's link to my art on my blog, mostly challenges from Conceptart.org:
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Welcome to the Scribes rhd, hope you like it here. If its feedback you're after then it's best if you make 5 posts so you can access the Showcase forum and post your work in there. Enjoy.
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Welcome rhd,

I hope you're enjoying your time here.

I like many of the authors you listed, and I also have a tendency to take inspiration from the world around me.
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