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How long is too long to wait for a trad publisher to get back to you?

Way back when I first got into this game on my own steam and not working under my mother, there was only you, the publisher, and a box of paper and SASE's (Self Addressed Stamped Envelopes, for the kids). Not only was waiting a year or more normal, the slush pile was literally a pile, some publishers still had transoms over their doors, and submitting the first three chapters and an outline was the standard. When we got rejected, we got actual slips of paper. We lived for the personalized rejections.
Some (many) publishers still live like that's the way to publish. Though many at least moved to electronic submissions, last year I found a big Dutch publisher who still requires paper submissions... Some of them are dinosaurs, and my feeling is that some of them will end up like dinosaurs because of it...