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I’d Like To Improve


New Member
Hi there, I am a new member I am writing in the comic fantasy genre. I have been ‘writing’ a novel
for some time based on the Arthurian tales, set in past and present.
I have written a lot, but now feel I need to get some general advice. If I ever get the book published, I plan on a sequel followed by a third set in a new world - hmmmmmm?
Anyway, this is to say hi to everyone and see what happens?


*waiting to see what happens*


...well??? I was told there would be excitement and fast-living as a writer! All I see are bills and rejection letters! lol

Well, welcome to the lobby where all of us aspiring world-builders are just waiting for that moment to shine. I have a bad feeling that none of us are going to get rich doing this, but we sure as heck aim to have fun on the way there!


Myth Weaver
Was probably chatGPT that told you that… probably from its own experience.

My own has been write, a lot of interruptions, and endlessly edit. All those riches and fast times did not show up. I blame ChatGPT.


Keep the new writers away from the devil's chatbox. lmao They don't yet realize it's a trap to bring down our collective literary quality through flashy junk exposition generated by an AI.

General advice:
- Write a lot and read a lot.
- keep writing until you're done. Edit afterwards.
- write every day, even if it's only for 20 minutes. It's much easier to find 20 minutes each day, than finding 2 hours of free time once a week. And those little bits add up.
- Remember that no one writes a book in a single sitting. (most) people write a scene or a page or a chapter in 1 go at most. The little progress adds up. If you write a single page for each day of the year then you'll have a 90k novel in a years time.
- your first novel will suck. Mine certainly did. And so did everyone else's as well. And that's okay! View it as a learning experience and improve. The next one will be much better.

If you want more specific general advice, open up a thread asking for help. We're happy to help. Or at least derail a thread and turn it into a random, fun, off-topic discussion.


Myth Weaver
Welcome aboard!

The education system wasn't destroying literary quality fast enough, hence AI, heh heh. Actually, it's more like the McDonaldsification of the industry, a bit like parts of the Cali wine industry.
Keep the new writers away from the devil's chatbox. lmao They don't yet realize it's a trap to bring down our collective literary quality through flashy junk exposition generated by an AI.


Welcome aboard!

The education system wasn't destroying literary quality fast enough, hence AI, heh heh. Actually, it's more like the McDonaldsification of the industry, a bit like parts of the Cali wine industry.
I'll take a large space opera with extra sci-fi, uh, two medium speculative fictions, and--wait, does that come with the Asimov sauce?