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Jabrosky's Crimes Against Fantasy Art

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Even Huntresses Need Rest
After supping on some freshly killed dinosaur meat, this jungle huntress has taken to the treetops for a little relaxation.

It feels like a while since I last drew one of my tribal dinosaur huntress characters.



Primal Exultation
After successfully defending her hunting ground from the predations of a Tyrannosaurus rex, the real queen of the jungle beats her chest and lets out a roar of primal exultation.

I wonder if it would be possible for a woman to beat her chest Tarzan-style? Would her boobies get in the way?



Lisa Frank Gorgosaurus
I've recycled this old line art of a Gorgosaurus libratus (a smaller cousin of T. Rex) by giving it a color scheme inspired by Lisa Frank.

If you were a little girl growing up in the 1980s and 90s, you might have seen school supplies decorated with animals splashed with extremely bright colors (especially pinks and purples). The artist behind all those was a lady named Lisa Frank, and she and her company are still alive as I type this. I don't think she did too many dinosaurs, but if she did, I'd imagine they'd have colors like this.



Horrified at Actium
Cleopatra VII, the last Queen of Ptolemaic Egypt, and her Roman lover Mark Antony watch in horror as her dynasty nears its end at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. So too will Antony's Roman Republic undergo its twilight soon, and in its place a new Empire will arise...



Alexander the Great vs Candace of Meroe
This is my illustration of an ancient legend claiming Alexander the Great invaded Kush (aka Nubia or modern Sudan) and was driven back by Queen Candace's war elephants. The legend is almost certainly apocryphal, since most historians maintain that Alexander never penetrated deeper into Africa than Siwa in northern Egypt. Nonetheless the idea of Nubian war elephants scaring the crud out of one of the ancient world's most successful conquerors was too irresistible not to illustrate.

Unfortunately I was working on a small piece of paper, so I couldn't draw a lot of detail on either Alexander or Candace (which is a real shame because I couldn't get Candace's good looks across from this distance).



Hannibal on His Elephant
Hannibal Barca, the great general of ancient Carthage, rides his war elephant across the Alps in 218 BC.

I actually don't know if Hannibal himself ever rode one of the famous Carthaginian elephants. He would have been a valuable personage, and historical war elephants could be skittish or prone to trampling their own troops. Nonetheless an elephant seems a fitting mount for a great military leader like Hannibal.


Haven't found as much time to draw as I once enjoyed this week (taking a class in Adobe Illustrator, and I have a cousin's wedding to attend to), but I did manage to color this tonight:

Princess of Yam
This portrait is supposed to represent a princess or queen from Yam, an ancient Sudanese country mentioned in early Egyptian documents. The precise location of Yam remains unknown, but I like to imagine it lay somewhere south of Nubia, maybe in what is now South Sudan. The engraved gemstone in the center of this lady's crown is supposed to vaguely resemble an Egyptian-style cobra, but the rest of her costume was left to my imagination.



Memnon's Training
Memnon, a Nubian king fated to fight in the legendary Trojan War, practices the archery his country is so famous for. Result of experimenting with Adobe Illustrator (I'm taking a class on that over the summer).



Nubian Legolas
This Nubian archer is loosing his arrows literally on the run. The inspiration for this comes from the elf character Legolas in the recent Hobbit sequel and the real-life Danish archer Lars Andersen, both of whom can shoot at very rapid rates on the move.



Cartoon Brontosaurus
With this cartoon Brontosaurus, I was experimenting with both drawing dinosaurs in a cartoon-like style and adding more variation to my lines' thickness.



Tyrannosaurus Totem
Just a quick Tyrannosaurus rex portrait I doodled in a vaguely tribal style. I imagine this might be used as a totemic clan symbol in some kind of prehistoric fantasy setting, perhaps with tribal warriors scarring the design into their skin.



Ankhesenamun Uncrowned
Portrait of the Egyptian Queen Ankhesenamun, best known as King Tut's wife. Most of the time she would probably wear a wig like most Egyptian elites, so this is what she may have looked like with just her natural hair.

If Ankhesenamun's head shape looks funny here, it's supposed to be artificially elongated by a process known as head binding (it's almost like foot-binding but applied to the sides of the head). I got the idea from an Egyptian sculpture depicting a princess with an elongated head, which may hint at this practice which was once widespread across the world. As for the dark "spots" on her head, those are supposed to represent short whorls of peppercorn hair seen on some African people.



A Most Unsettling Discovery
This explorer is supposed to be freaked out by the ancient colossus gazing out of the sand before him.

I admit that it would be more realistic if the paint on the sculpture was mostly blown off by centuries of wind erosion, just like the paint that once coated the Sphinx in Giza. On the other hand I felt that keeping the paint on would bring it to life and make it more uncanny from the explorer's perspective.



Egyptian Giraffe
I knew a guy who now works as a schoolteacher in Marina, CA, and he told me once that he was fond of giraffes. Memories of our time together inspired me to draw this Egyptian soldier riding a giraffe. I ought to draw more exotic African wildlife to go with my various African characters.



Tyrannosaurus Warrior

This anthropomorphic T. Rex probably works as an elite minion for some villainous god or sorcerer. I got the inspiration to draw this from my DeviantArt friend Keville Bowen's fantasy comic Kamau: Quest for the Son, which pits humanity against a horde of villainous anthropomorphic animals (albeit none of them are dinosaurs).


Love it Jabrosky ! Were it blue and slightly more scaly this T-Rex warrior would perfectly match the way i picture my beloved Sehras (yeah, basically a more advanced version of Warhammer's lizard men).

Thanks for sharing !
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