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Magic Complexity Check Act 2: Curses and Resonance

So this is sort of a sequel to the last thread I started. This Magic System is actually for a webcomic idea taking place in a different world than my main WIP. I can't draw so all this is effectively shelved until I can get an illustrator on board but I like to plan ahead so here goes!(ps: If you could recommend some neat links to drawing tutorials that would be great! The art style I want is very Tetsuya Nomura so anything with a sharp anime art style like his is greatly appreciated.) Curses are the power of the Star Emperors, godlike beings that are essentially anthropomorphized dimensions. Star Emperor's and other lesser divinities such as Star Dragons, Heralds, Devils, and Messiahs who frequently serve the Star Emperors can grant these powers to mortal beings in exchange for that mortal's fealty. These mortals are known and feared as "Warlocks". The main difference between a Curse and a Spell(I haven't fully figured this out btw) is that Curses are static while Spellcasting is dynamic. A Magician has a bag of supernatural tricks that they can pull off and finding unique ways to use those tricks in tandem with each other is an art, a science, and a right of passage. Curses are much simpler, you trigger the Curse, apply it to a target, let it run it's course, and then it's gone. Now, particularly clever Warlocks can apply some JJBA-style shenanigans to increase their effectiveness in combat but the fact still stands that Warlocks can really only do one thing. Now most Warlocks don't get their powers directly from one of the above entities. They instead borrow power from a cursed item called a Warlock Drive. In order to use a Warlock Drive one must undergo a process called Resonance. Resonance is a rare phenomenon where two Psyches(look to the part 1 thread for what those are please) enter a supernatural state of harmony that tends to unlock supernatural abilities. For Magicians, Resonance grants the ability to cast special two-person Spells called Tagmagic. For Warlocks Resonance grants additional Curses and brings them closer to the source of their power. There are four levels of Resonance: Basic, Advanced and Perfect, and Beyond. Resonance is not only difficult to turn on, it's also difficult to turn off and once a certain threshold is reached congrats you've lost your individuality! Hopefully this one is a little easier to understand.