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Adiam Gaunt

This probably should have been my first post instead of the ones I made over on the worldbuilding threads, but what can you do. I'm Adiam Gaunt, and I've been wanting to write a fantasy novel ever since I was in 5th grade. I've been writing on and off ever since, and I'm just starting my second year of College if that gives you any indication of how long it's been. But despite all that time I haven't just sat down and wrote in probably a few years. I intend to change that.

I doubt I'll have much of it finished soon, but now that I'm in college and can dedicate my time to things as I see fit, I figure now is a good a time as any. I look forward to talking and trading ideas with you all.



Myth Weaver
Hail and well-met Adiam Gaunt
Good to have you here.
Some stories take a long time to mature... Like cheese or wine :)
I hope this place can help.