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My first Kindle story is now on Amazon!

Hey, everyone! There's some exciting news today. I finally got my first short story onto Amazon! It's a $0.99 sci-fi tale called "Escaping." You can find it right here.

I know Mythic Scribes deals mainly in fantasy, but I thought you might like to check it out anyway. It's only 2,000 words long, but I'll be adding to the Amazon arsenal very soon. Hope you find it enjoyable, and thanks for your time!
I've been gone for way too long, but there's something I'd like to add (don't mean to be spamming -- sorry!). The sequel to this story is now out.

And during a free promotion of the first story, it got up to the #1 spot in Space Marine Sci-Fi! I'm rather happy about this, and I think I'll be serializing this sci-fi series, while also releasing short fantasy stories alongside it. Which is more relevant to Mythic Scribes. But thanks for your support, everyone! :)