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My total annihilation thread.

Total annihilation is a video game about two factions, the "CORE" and the "ARM".
The CORE is artificial intelligence hive minds that create a mandate of everyones minds being loaded into computers.
And the ARM is the rebellious faction that fights against the CORE, resisting the mandate.
There are many "hypothetical" technologies in total annihilation.
Such as nano lathing, weapon technologies, teleport landing and many others.
Part of the reason I created this thread is to share my ideas for creating such technologies.
Also simply because total annihilation is one of my favorite games.
One of the topics I feel is interesting is how the CORE or ARM commanders arrive on a contested world.
I feel this process could be known as "Teleport landing".
As for the theoretical technology required im still working on the schematics of such a technology.
One theory of mine so far is that there are indeed other universes with different elements and laws of physics.
Not only this, but also that such "different elements" and "different laws of physics" could interact, making teleportation over long distances possible.
As well as making other technologies possible.
Inglithic lithium teleportation tunnels.
Inglithic lithium
, when used as a omni energy source by a commander teleporter may indeed teleport the commander to a target world.
This is usually only possible in a universe with a abundance of glyphic resonation streams.
These interesting streams are similar to wormholes, although they are based on other laws of physics such as theoretical forms such as "Glyphic resonation streams".
These interesting realms that host such glyphic resonation streams could also, perhaps, have solar systems that are very close to each other.
These interesting solar systems could also have different elements, such as "runite".
Unique elements such as "runite" could be used with other elements to create omni energy sources.


Myth Weaver
I dont know anything about this game, so I would not know what to comment on. But I am glad you enjoy it.