Yeah it's not necessarily one thing in particular either. I often have nightmares about my husband and son, or our cats, or the world ending. Even had them about zombies numerous times. It may rise from anxiety, idk.
Yeah it's not necessarily one thing in particular either. I often have nightmares about my husband and son, or our cats, or the world ending. Even had them about zombies numerous times. It may rise from anxiety, idk.
Mine are usually anxiety triggered. Why i can't take a nap when i'm feeling anxious.
This might seem like the deal then. I get worse nightmares when I'm stressed. Hadn't thought of that until you said something.I had lots of nightmares when my anxiety was very bad.
The scariest part was that I did enjoy killing the people in the dreams, kind of like a strange vengeance carried out in cold anger. I don't believe in dream invaders either, but you didn't see this guy, and don't know him - he believes in that stuff, and he believes so strong that if you're around him, you do also. I have spoken to two people who I consider wise, and they both gave me the same advice as you did, although one said I should come up with an excuse to meet him if I can after seeing how bothered I was about the dream. I am yet to come up with the excuse and have decided to let the dream lie as it is.Hello Squiggle!
Well, the first thing that I want to say is that many calm and non-violent people sometimes have unusually violent dreams that scare them a lot. In fact, that kind of dreams are among the most common nightmares that people encounter. Murdering others, witnessing a death or being chased are reported very often in the world of nightmares.
In my case, I very much enjoy that kind of thing and I have murdered countless people in my dreams.
I do not think it's necessary to call that teacher, it was just a particularly intense nightmare and not a case of dreams invasion. In fact, I am pretty convinced that dream invaders do not exist. At least, I believe that no living person can do that!
You can deal with it by telling yourself that it was just a crazy nightmare, and that's all.
There was a large oval mirror attached to one of the walls of this chamber, and before the mirror there was a creature that was just there combing its long and sleek hair. The creature was for the most part a huge snake, perhaps some twenty meters long, but the upper part was that of a woman except that the woman in question looked more like some kind of vicious monster.