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Please, critique my ideas, which I have so far.

I was on pinterest.com. There I found a graphic, which shows the pieces of the puzzle of a good story. Those were a goal, a motivation, a conflict, a lie and a need. So, I wrote every idea down, which I had so far. Please, critique them. (If they are too cheesy, too foreseeable, etc.)

Game of Thrones-like idea

Come back to earth + Motivation + the planet is very dangerous (e.g. noble houses, who fight each other, dragons) + I can do it alone + The other members

The selection-like idea

Become the prince’s wife + help the family, hope of a better life + The other girls, family secrets, and the desire to escape from the country + It’s not worthy to live in this country + Somebody to love

North Mythology idea

Survive + angry gods, who want to kill ya+ who can you trust, traveling through the nine worlds + There aren’t any gods + accepting there is more than we see
a goal, a motivation, a conflict, a lie and a need.

Interesting exercise, although I think it would have been a tad clearer if the formatting had been different :ninja:.

  1. Goal: [.........]
  2. Motivation: [.........]
  3. Conflict: [.........]
  4. Lie: [.........]
  5. Need: [.........]
Still, I'm afraid that the answer to your question is: It will depend on execution; but give each a shot and see what comes of it.

That said, I think I like the first one best.
Yeah, a lie is something people tend to over look in the plotting process, and it was never mentioned in any writing class I ever took. I read about it in an online article, lucky for me my novel all ready had one in it. I agree with FifthView in that it does depend on the execution, but i also like the first one best and I feel the "lie" in the others is quite common especially the Gods.

Hope this helps


Anything potentially works, but will it work for you? If you feel passion for the idea, and execute it skillfully, readers will pick up on that and enjoy it too. I'd say prototype, then iterate to find the fun. Write a first chapter and try to at least hint at each element. Then iterate, playing with variations until you find something that you love.


Myth Weaver
Almost sounds more like a concept for character development than a story. A puzzle missing a lot of pieces, maybe? heh heh. #1 sounds the most interesting, but they’re all so vague as to not really be capable of anything but cursory judgment.