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Post Apocalyptic, SuperHuman/Superhero, Zombies


New Member
I'm gonna keep it short and not bore you but. I'm planning on building a Post-Apocalyptic world filled with super-powered humans, and infected humans (sort of like zombies). And with this world I plan to write a comic as well as create a game from it.
I got this idea from the amazing tv series 'Heroes', and i've just been writing profiles for characters and short storylines. But without an actual world for these characters to roam it's hard to make detailed storyboards.

The super-powers are mainly from biogical experiments, this is where the virus came from that infected the humans. Some powers are 'gifts' from 'god' as some characters say. And then from reproduction of a male and female 'powered' human, more powers have been created.

So can anyone help me build this world? Ideas for anything would be helpful, what sort of theme should it be? An evil company of humans prehaps? Character ideas? Story ideas? What the infected look like/do? Any ideas would come in handy :)


You could start by asking some questions:
How did the apocalypse happen? What were the events the led up to it?
What was the world like before the apocalypse?
Wow did the people get the super powers? And what caused the infection?
Also how do these things all link together?


The super-powers are mainly from biogical experiments, this is where the virus came from that infected the humans. Some powers are 'gifts' from 'god' as some characters say. And then from reproduction of a male and female 'powered' human, more powers have been created.

Just some of my contemplations, don't delve much into it unless you like the ideas.

1. Were the experiments before the apocalypse or after?
2. Do people understand how it works or are they in the dark?
3. Is it communicable from touch/exchange of fluids etc.?
4. Transferrable from mom to child?
5 Does it change to something similar or remain the same?
6. How long after the apocalypse is the story set? This could affect what the world looks like.

Thoughts: Maybe whatever caused the apocalypse was the origins (side-effect) of the "gifts from god" powers... an alien spore or bacteria that altered human DNA permanently. The human genome is extremely adaptable and could be altered in many ways, giving you an almost infinite sort of variety.