Avery Moore
So, I have come up with a lot of different cultures and religions for the world in which my novel is set, but there’s one religion that needs a lot more work than others and that is “The Balance” where the people pray to “The Hundred Gods”.
The actual religion itself is a relatively small part of the story, but there is a scene within the story where a ceremony takes place, in which sacrifices are made to each of the 100 Gods.
Every God is unique and every God is offered a different sacrifice depending on what it is they value/represent. I have come up with a few ideas and had a few suggested to me, but 100 Gods is a lot to come up with, so I figured I would post on here and try to make a definitive list of Gods.
I am looking for suggestions of what the Gods represent (God of Death, God of Life, God of Fire etc) along with a suggestion of what kind of sacrifice can be made to them (A human killed at the altar, a pregnant woman giving birth at the altar, a huge bonfire built on the altar etc).
I am going to try for a sort of Yin/Yang balance where each God has an opposing Goddess (God of Life + Goddess of Death. God of Fire + Goddess of Water) but may give up on this idea, as some Gods will be more difficult to find appropriate opposites for than others. (People would pray to a God of Prosperity, but I can’t picture anybody praying to a Goddess of Famine).
Anyway, here is a list of ideas I have so far. Feel free to come up with any ideas that I can add to it! Either ideas for Gods or ideas for sacrifices that can be offered to them, or both! Any help would be much appreciated!
The following is not a definitive list, but a list of Gods that I’ve thought of or been suggested. I will post a definite list when it’s done.
Gods who have opposing Goddesses:
1. God of Life: Offering is a pregnant woman giving birth on the alter
2. Goddess of Death: Offering is a man/woman willingly killed at the alter
3. God of Peace: Offering undecided
4. Goddess of War: Two young men wrestle, trying to push each other off the altar
5. God of Fire: A huge bonfire is built on the altar
6. Goddess of Water: People bathing at the altar?
7. God of Air: Offering undecided
8. Goddess of Earth: Perhaps a tree is planted on the altar?
9. God of Luck: People playing some kind of game of chance
10. Goddess of Fate: Offering undecided
11. God of Mercy: A criminal is pardoned for their crimes
12. Goddess of Justice: Another criminal is punished for their crimes
13. God of Folly: People getting drunk at the altar
14: Goddess of Wisdom: Two people playing a game of strategy at the altar
15. God of Light: Offering undecided
16. Goddess of Darkness: Somebody willingly blinds themselves
17: God of Joy: Laughter and merrymaking at the altar
18. Goddess of Sorrow: Weeping at the altar
19: God of Order: Offering undecided
20: Goddess of Chaos: Offering undecided
Gods who don’t have opposing Goddesses yet:
1. God of Prosperity: Livestock and crops
2. God of Fertility: … Something R rated?
3. God of Music: People playing and singing at the altar
4. God of Dance: Somebody dancing on the altar
4. God of Craftsmanship: Talented craftsmen leave offerings of their work at the altar
5. God of Love: People getting married at the altar
6. God of Secrets: Offering undecided
7. God of Mischief: Offering undecided
8. God of Time: Offering undecided
Offering suggestions that don't yet have a God to be sacrificed to:
1. A feast prepared on the altar
2. A man must lift a heavy stone above his head for the duration of the ceremony
3. A man fasts for several days and nights
The actual religion itself is a relatively small part of the story, but there is a scene within the story where a ceremony takes place, in which sacrifices are made to each of the 100 Gods.
Every God is unique and every God is offered a different sacrifice depending on what it is they value/represent. I have come up with a few ideas and had a few suggested to me, but 100 Gods is a lot to come up with, so I figured I would post on here and try to make a definitive list of Gods.
I am looking for suggestions of what the Gods represent (God of Death, God of Life, God of Fire etc) along with a suggestion of what kind of sacrifice can be made to them (A human killed at the altar, a pregnant woman giving birth at the altar, a huge bonfire built on the altar etc).
I am going to try for a sort of Yin/Yang balance where each God has an opposing Goddess (God of Life + Goddess of Death. God of Fire + Goddess of Water) but may give up on this idea, as some Gods will be more difficult to find appropriate opposites for than others. (People would pray to a God of Prosperity, but I can’t picture anybody praying to a Goddess of Famine).
Anyway, here is a list of ideas I have so far. Feel free to come up with any ideas that I can add to it! Either ideas for Gods or ideas for sacrifices that can be offered to them, or both! Any help would be much appreciated!
The following is not a definitive list, but a list of Gods that I’ve thought of or been suggested. I will post a definite list when it’s done.
Gods who have opposing Goddesses:
1. God of Life: Offering is a pregnant woman giving birth on the alter
2. Goddess of Death: Offering is a man/woman willingly killed at the alter
3. God of Peace: Offering undecided
4. Goddess of War: Two young men wrestle, trying to push each other off the altar
5. God of Fire: A huge bonfire is built on the altar
6. Goddess of Water: People bathing at the altar?
7. God of Air: Offering undecided
8. Goddess of Earth: Perhaps a tree is planted on the altar?
9. God of Luck: People playing some kind of game of chance
10. Goddess of Fate: Offering undecided
11. God of Mercy: A criminal is pardoned for their crimes
12. Goddess of Justice: Another criminal is punished for their crimes
13. God of Folly: People getting drunk at the altar
14: Goddess of Wisdom: Two people playing a game of strategy at the altar
15. God of Light: Offering undecided
16. Goddess of Darkness: Somebody willingly blinds themselves
17: God of Joy: Laughter and merrymaking at the altar
18. Goddess of Sorrow: Weeping at the altar
19: God of Order: Offering undecided
20: Goddess of Chaos: Offering undecided
Gods who don’t have opposing Goddesses yet:
1. God of Prosperity: Livestock and crops
2. God of Fertility: … Something R rated?
3. God of Music: People playing and singing at the altar
4. God of Dance: Somebody dancing on the altar
4. God of Craftsmanship: Talented craftsmen leave offerings of their work at the altar
5. God of Love: People getting married at the altar
6. God of Secrets: Offering undecided
7. God of Mischief: Offering undecided
8. God of Time: Offering undecided
Offering suggestions that don't yet have a God to be sacrificed to:
1. A feast prepared on the altar
2. A man must lift a heavy stone above his head for the duration of the ceremony
3. A man fasts for several days and nights